How to document your Powershell Scripts

Hallo zusammen,

Fügt man einem Powershell Script den PARAM Bloch hinzu, so kann man die Parameter mit den Tabs auswählen und mit help [scriptfile.ps1] wird die Synthax ausgegeben.

 [string]$Domain = "",
 [string]$Email = ""

Fügt man noch die folgenden Zeilen hinzu, so hat man eine vollständige Online Dokumentation.

    A summary of what this script does 
    Appears in all basic, -detailed, -full, -examples 
    A more in depth description of the script 
    Should give script developer more things to talk about      
    Appears in basic, -full and -detailed 
    Additional Notes, eg 
    File Name  : Get-AutoHelp.ps1 
    Author     : Thomas Lee - 
    Appears in -full  
    A hyper link, eg 
    Becomes: "RELATED LINKS"  
    Appears in basic and -Full 
    The first example - just text documentation 
    You should provide a way of calling the script, plus expected output 
    Appears in -detailed and -full 
   Not sure how to specify or use 
   Does not appear in basic, -full, or -detailed 
   Should appear in -component 
   Not sure How to specify or use 
   Does not appear in basic, -full, or -detailed 
   Should appear with -role 
   Not sure How to specify or use 
   Does not appear in basic, -full, or -detailed 
   Should appear with -functionality 
   The .Parameter area in the script is used to derive the contents of the PARAMETERS in Get-Help output which  
   documents the parameters in the param block. The section takes a value (in this case foo, 
   the name of the first actual parameter), and only appears if there is parameter of that name in the 
   params block. Having a section for a parameter that does not exist generate no extra output of this section 
   Appears in -det, -full (with more info than in -det) and -Parameter (need to specify the parameter name) 
   Example of a parameter definition for a parameter that does not exist. 
   Does not appear at all. 

Hier also eine Vorlage für ein Powershell Script

# Vorlage für Powershell Scripts
# Version 1.0 / 15.06.2011
# Andres Bohren / / /

    A summary of what this script does 
    Appears in all basic, -detailed, -full, -examples 
    A more in depth description of the script 
    Should give script developer more things to talk about      
    Appears in basic, -full and -detailed 
    Additional Notes, eg 
    File Name  : Get-AutoHelp.ps1 
    Author     : Thomas Lee - 
    Appears in -full  
    A hyper link, eg 
    Becomes: "RELATED LINKS"  
    Appears in basic and -Full 
    The first example - just text documentation 
    You should provide a way of calling the script, plus expected output 
    Appears in -detailed and -full 
   Not sure how to specify or use 
   Does not appear in basic, -full, or -detailed 
   Should appear in -component 
   Not sure How to specify or use 
   Does not appear in basic, -full, or -detailed 
   Should appear with -role 
   Not sure How to specify or use 
   Does not appear in basic, -full, or -detailed 
   Should appear with -functionality 
   The .Parameter area in the script is used to derive the contents of the PARAMETERS in Get-Help output which  
   documents the parameters in the param block. The section takes a value (in this case foo, 
   the name of the first actual parameter), and only appears if there is parameter of that name in the 
   params block. Having a section for a parameter that does not exist generate no extra output of this section 
   Appears in -det, -full (with more info than in -det) and -Parameter (need to specify the parameter name) 
   Example of a parameter definition for a parameter that does not exist. 
   Does not appear at all. 

#Script Input Parameters
 [string]$Domain = "",
 [string]$Email = ""

# Function YX
Function Get-XY {

write-host $mydomain, $myEmail

# Start Script
Get-XY ($Domain, $Email) 
Andres Bohren