Microsoft Bookings
Hi All,
By default Microsoft Bookings is enabled in Exchange Online.
If you have disabled it like me, you need to enable it first in the Exchange Online OrganizationConfig.
Turn Microsoft Bookings on or off
Get-Organizationconfig | fl *booking*
Set-Organizationconfig -BookingsEnabled $true
In the Default OwaMailboxPolicy all users can create Booking Mailboxes.
Get-OwaMailboxPolicy -Identity OwaMailboxPolicy-Default | fl *booking*
If you want to enable the Bookings creation only for one Mailbox you have to create a new OWAMailboxPolicy
Set-OwaMailboxPolicy "OwaMailboxPolicy-Default" -BookingsMailboxCreationEnabled:$false
New-OwaMailboxPolicy -Name "BookingsCreators"
Set-CASMailbox -Identity <someCreator@emailaddress> -OwaMailboxPolicy "BookingsCreators"
New-OwaMailboxPolicy -Name "BookingsCreators"
Set-CASMailbox -Identity <someCreator@emailaddress> -OwaMailboxPolicy "BookingsCreators"
Create a Bookings Mailbox
Open Microsoft Bookings in the App Launcher in Office 365
Choose "Add new Booking Calendar"
The Name will be the Mailbox of the Booking Calendar
Okay, i change to the new Booking Experience
I've added a Logo here
Enduser view of Bookings
This is the Screen the Enduser can book a Meeting
Check out the Mailbox: The RecipientTypeDetails is "SchedulingMailbox"
Get-Mailbox icewolf | fl PrimarySMTPAddress, DisplayName, *type*
Andres Bohren