Deploy Azure SQL Database with AZ CLI (Part 2)

Hi All,

Finally i have some time to do a Project i've always wanted to do.
In a Series of Blog Article i will create a SQL Server / SQL Database in Azure and compare diffrent Deployment Methods.

Let's start with the AZ CLI

The Script can also be found on my GitHub Repo

# Demo02-SQLDB-Az.ps1
# Create SQL Server / Firewall Rule / SQL Database with AZ CLI
# 05.04.2022 - Initial Version - Andres Bohren

# Login with AzureCLI
az login

# Create Demo Resource Group
$ResourceGroup = "RG_Demo02"
$Location = "westeurope"
az group create --location $Location --name $ResourceGroup

# Create SQL Server Object
$SQLServerName = "icewolfsqldemo02"
$AdminUser = "sqladmin"
$AdminPassword = "SloppyJoe!"
$MinimalTLSVersion = "1.2"
az sql server create --location $Location --resource-group $ResourceGroup --name $SQLServerName --admin-user $AdminUser --admin-password $AdminPassword --minimal-tls-version $MinimalTLSVersion

# Create SQL Server FirewallRule
#Create SQL Server Firewall Rule for Azure
az sql server firewall-rule create -g $ResourceGroup -s $SQLServerName -n Azure --start-ip-address --end-ip-address
#Create SQL Server Firewall Rule for Icewolf
$RuleName = "IcewolfPublicIP"
$StartIpAddress = ""
$EndIpAddress = ""
az sql server firewall-rule create -g $ResourceGroup -s $SQLServerName -n $RuleName --start-ip-address $StartIpAddress --end-ip-address $EndIpAddress

As you can see the SQL Server has been created in the right Resourcegroup.
All the Settings like MinimumTLSVersion and Firewall Rules are set

# Create SQL Database in Azure
$DatabaseName = "db_demo02"
$Edition = "Basic"
az sql db create --resource-group $ResourceGroup --server $SQLServerName --name $DatabaseName --zone-redundant $false --edition $Edition

The Database has been created with the correct SKU

Finally we need to clean up and delete the Demo Resource Group

$ResourceGroup = "RG_Demo02"
az group delete --resource-group $ResourceGroup --yes

Andres Bohren