Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect and Auto-Upgrade

Hi All,

On beginning of August, Microsoft had released AAD Connect

I was exited, because that is the first 2.x version that did support “auto-upgrade”

I’ve checked the Version of AAD Connect on the Server with Powershell

Import-Module ADSync
(Get-Item "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\Bin\miiserver.exe").VersionInfo
Set-ADSyncAutoUpgrade -AutoUpgradeState Enabled

After a while i’ve realized that the AutoUpgrade was reseted to suspended.

So i removed the Custom Rules i had created earlyer

And enabled Autoupgrade again

Set-ADSyncAutoUpgrade -AutoUpgradeState Enabled

That did not help. So i looked into Eventviewer

According to the Return Value it looked like the new version was installed.

But after a Reboot the old version was still there

(Get-Item "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\Bin\miiserver.exe").VersionInfo

Apparently the Auto-Upgrade Functionality did not work on my Server.

So i did run the Manual installation

Version was now updated

(Get-Item "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\Bin\miiserver.exe").VersionInfo

Ans also Directory sync Status in M365 Admin Center showed the new version

Andres Bohren