How to Manage PowerShell 5 and 7 Modules on Azure Automation

Hi All,

As you might already know, i am a big Fan of Azure Automation. Recently i have used “Managed Identity with Exchange Online on Azure Automation”.

Yesterday there was a Release of “Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Module 1.17.0” and the Question of how to update the PowerShell Modules on Azure Automate arises once again.

Basically i’ve covered that already in a Blog Post earlyer this Year “Update Modules on Azure Automation with AZ PowerShell”.

But i think i have improved the Script a little bit. And finally i explain how to Manage the PowerShell 7 Modules on Azure Automate.

#Connect to Azure

#Get Automation Account

#Get Modules
$accountName = 'icewolfautomation'
$rgName = 'RG_DEV'
$ModuleName = "Microsoft.Graph"
$Modules = Get-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$ModuleName"}

That’s the same List as from the Azure Portal

#Remove Module
#For Microsoft.Graph it is important that Microsoft.Graph.Authentication is uninstalled last due to dependencys

Foreach ($Module in $Modules)
    If ($Module.Name -ne "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication")
    $ModuleName = $Module.Name
    Write-Host "Remove ModuleName: $ModuleName"
    Remove-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -Name $ModuleName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Confirm:$False -Force
$ModuleName = "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication"
Write-Host "Remove ModuleName: $ModuleName"
Remove-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -Name $ModuleName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Confirm:$False -Force

#Add Module
#For Microsoft.Graph it is important that Microsoft.Graph.Authentication is installed first due to dependencys
$ModuleName = "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication"
$moduleVersion = "1.17.0"
New-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $moduleName -ContentLinkUri "$moduleName/$moduleVersion"

The PowerShell 5 Modules have been removed.

#Add Module
#For Microsoft.Graph it is important that Microsoft.Graph.Authentication is installed first due to dependencys
$ModuleName = "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication"
$moduleVersion = "1.17.0"
New-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $moduleName -ContentLinkUri "$moduleName/$moduleVersion"
#Wait until Module is installed
Do {
    $Module = Get-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$ModuleName"}    
    Write-Host "State: $($Module.ProvisioningState) > Check again in 15 Seconds"
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
} until ($Module.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded")

#Install the Rest of the Modules
$Modules = @()
$Modules += "Microsoft.Graph.Users"
$Modules += "Microsoft.Graph.Users.Actions"
$Modules += "Microsoft.Graph.Groups"
$moduleVersion = "1.17.0"

Foreach ($ModuleName in $Modules)
    Write-Host "ModuleName: $ModuleName"
    New-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $moduleName -ContentLinkUri "$moduleName/$moduleVersion"

The Microsoft.Graph.Authentication will be installed and after the ProvisioningState is succeeded the Rest of the Modules can be installed and the dependencys will be fullfilled.

Voila - Upgrade was sucessful

In the Portal you are able to add PowerShell 7 Modules

As you can see, there is no Parameter to address PowerShell 7 Modules

# GET PS7 Module
$subscriptionId = "42ecead4-eae9-4456-997c-1580c58b54ba"
$accountName = "icewolfautomation"
$rgName = "RG_DEV"
$ModuleName = "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication"
$Result = Invoke-AzRestMethod `
    -Method GET `
    -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId `
    -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
    -ResourceProviderName Microsoft.Automation `
    -ResourceType automationAccounts `
    -Name $accountName/powershell7Modules/$ModuleName `
    -ApiVersion 2019-06-01 
($Result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).Properties

#Delete PS7 Module
$subscriptionId = "42ecead4-eae9-4456-997c-1580c58b54ba"
$accountName = "icewolfautomation"
$rgName = "RG_DEV"

$Modules = @()
$Modules += "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication"
$Modules += "Microsoft.Graph.Users"
$Modules += "Microsoft.Graph.Users.Actions"
$Modules += "Microsoft.Graph.Groups"

#For Microsoft.Graph it is important that Microsoft.Graph.Authentication is uninstalled last due to dependencys
Foreach ($ModuleName in $Modules)
    If ($ModuleName -ne "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication")
    Write-Host "Remove ModuleName: $ModuleName"
    Invoke-AzRestMethod `
        -Method DELETE `
        -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId `
        -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
        -ResourceProviderName Microsoft.Automation `
        -ResourceType automationAccounts `
        -Name $accountName/powershell7Modules/$ModuleName `
        -ApiVersion 2019-06-01
$ModuleName = "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication"

Write-Host "Remove ModuleName: $ModuleName"
Invoke-AzRestMethod `
-Method DELETE `
-SubscriptionId $subscriptionId `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName `
-ResourceProviderName Microsoft.Automation `
-ResourceType automationAccounts `
-Name $accountName/powershell7Modules/$ModuleName `
-ApiVersion 2019-06-01

The PowerShell 7 Modules have been removed

#Add PS7 Module
$subscriptionId = "42ecead4-eae9-4456-997c-1580c58b54ba"
$accountName = "icewolfautomation"
$rgName = "RG_DEV"
$ModuleName = "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication"
$moduleVersion = "1.17.0"

#Install Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
$Payload = @"
Write-Host "Install ModuleName: $ModuleName"
Invoke-AzRestMethod `
    -Method PUT `
    -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId `
    -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
    -ResourceProviderName Microsoft.Automation `
    -ResourceType automationAccounts `
    -Name $accountName/powershell7Modules/$ModuleName `
    -ApiVersion 2019-06-01 `
    -Payload $Payload
#Wait until Module is installed

Do {
    $Result = Invoke-AzRestMethod `
    -Method GET `
    -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId `
    -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
    -ResourceProviderName Microsoft.Automation `
    -ResourceType automationAccounts `
    -Name $accountName/powershell7Modules/$ModuleName `
    -ApiVersion 2019-06-01 
    $ProvisioningState = (($Result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).Properties).provisioningState
    $Module = Get-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$ModuleName"}
    Write-Host "State: $ProvisioningState > Check again in 15 Seconds"
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
} until ($ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded")

#Now install the Rest of the Modules
$Modules = @()
$Modules += "Microsoft.Graph.Users"
$Modules += "Microsoft.Graph.Users.Actions"
$Modules += "Microsoft.Graph.Groups"

Foreach ($ModuleName in $Modules)
$Payload = @"
Write-Host "Install ModuleName: $ModuleName"
Invoke-AzRestMethod `
    -Method PUT `
    -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId `
    -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
    -ResourceProviderName Microsoft.Automation `
    -ResourceType automationAccounts `
    -Name $accountName/powershell7Modules/$ModuleName `
    -ApiVersion 2019-06-01 `
    -Payload $Payload

Here as well Microsoft.Graph.Authentication has to be sucessfully installed before the other Microsoft.Graph* Modules can be installed due to Module Dependencys.

And now all PowerShell 7 Modules on Azure Automate have been updated

By the Way. These PowerShell Commands are also available on my GitHub Repo

Andres Bohren