Exchange Online custom RBAC Role with App Authentication (OAuth2)

Hi All,

  • Azure AD Application Registration
  • Permission: Office 365 Exchange Online > Exchange.ManageAsApp
  • Add AAD App to Azure AD Role "Exchange Administrator" or "Exchange Recipient Administrator"

In this Article it's about custom RBAC Roles and Application Authentication
  • Azure AD Application Registration
  • Permission: Office 365 Exchange Online > Exchange.ManageAsApp
  • Create a Exchange Online Service Principal for the Azure AD App
  • Create a RoleGroup and Assign ServicePrincipal (and CustomRecipientWriteScope if you want)

Notes from the field: Using app-only authentication with customized RBAC roles in Exchange Online

I've created an Azure AD App Registration

Uploaded a Certificate

Add Permission
Add Permission > APIs my organization uses > Office 365 Exchange Online > Exchange.ManageAsApp

Grant Admin Consent

You need to create an Exchange Service Principal.
For that you need the ObjectID of the Enterprise Application

# Get AzureAD Application with Microsoft.Graph PowerShell
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'Application.Read.All'
$ServicePrincipalDetails = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Demo-EXO-RBAC-PS'"

# Create Exchange Service Principal
New-ServicePrincipal -AppId $ServicePrincipalDetails.AppId -ServiceId $ServicePrincipalDetails.Id -DisplayName "EXO Serviceprincipal $($ServicePrincipalDetails.Displayname)"
Get-ServicePrincipal | where {$_.AppId -eq "341772e9-4f7a-4444-9b2c-66620d27aec0"}

Create the Management Scope. Please note that only the "Sitzungszimmer" Mailbox matches the Management Scope

#Magagement Scope
Filterable properties for the RecipientFilter parameter on Exchange cmdlets

Get-Recipient -RecipientPreviewFilter "(City -eq 'Zürich') -and (RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'RoomMailbox')"

I've already documented how to create an Management Role in Exchange and Exchange Online

Get-ManagementRole -Identity "ICE-UserPhoto"
Get-ManagementRoleEntry -Identity "ICE-UserPhoto\*"

Now let's put it all together. Assign the App the Role "Ice-UserPhoto" and assign the ResourceScope "ZH Rooms"

$AppID = "341772e9-4f7a-4444-9b2c-66620d27aec0"
$SP = Get-ServicePrincipal | where {$_.AppId -eq $AppID}
$ServiceId = $SP.ServiceId
New-RoleGroup -Name 'Icewolf-UserPhoto' -Roles "ICE-UserPhoto" -CustomRecipientWriteScope "ZH Rooms"
Add-RoleGroupMember -Identity "Icewolf-UserPhoto" -Member $ServiceId

Note that this Action will trigger an Alert

$AppID = "341772e9-4f7a-4444-9b2c-66620d27aec0"
$SP = Get-ServicePrincipal | where {$_.AppId -eq $AppID}
$ServiceId = $SP.ServiceId
Get-RoleGroup | where {$_.Members -Match $ServiceId} | fl

Get-ManagementRoleAssignment | where {$_.Role -match "ICE-UserPhoto"} | fl

You can see the Permissions also in the Classic Exchange Online Admin Center

I recently noticed that there exists a new Menu Item Roles > Admin Roles in the Exchange Admin Center

Let's connect with the App and the Certificate

#Connect-ExchangeOnline with AppId and Certificate
$AppID = "341772e9-4f7a-4444-9b2c-66620d27aec0"
$CertificateThumbprint = "07eff3918f47995eb53b91848f69b5c0e78622fd"
$TenantId = ""
Connect-ExchangeOnline -AppId $AppID -CertificateThumbprint $CertificateThumbprint -Organization $TenantId

Get-Comand -Module <Module>

Let's try it. I will set a UserPhoto for a Mailbox that is inside the RecipientWriteScope

Set-UserPhoto -Identity -PictureData ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("E:\Temp\AvatarBaby.jpg"))
Get-UserPhoto -Identity

What threw me off, at first was that get works also for Mailboxes outside the Management Scope - but remember the Parameter is "CustomRecipientWriteScope"

Get-UserPhoto -Identity
Get-UserPhoto -Identity

It's not possible to Set-UserPhoto for a Mailbox that is Outside the Management Scope / CustomRecipientWriteScope.
And you also get an Error, if no Picture is set on the Mailbox

Set-UserPhoto -Identity -PictureData ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("E:\Temp\AvatarBaby.jpg"))
Get-UserPhoto -Identity SitzungszimmerEiger

Andres Bohren