Use Microsoft Designer to generate Images with AI
Hi All,
Do you know Microsoft Designer?
The Microsoft Designer app is a graphic design tool in Microsoft 365 that allows users to create custom invitations, digital postcards, and other materials using the same artificial intelligence technology as DALL-E 2.
More information can be found here: What Is Microsoft Designer and How To Use It
I am using currently my Microsoft Account (Private Account) to log into Microsoft Designer.
It’s a free “Text to Image” Artificial Intelligence System that is based on DALL-E 2
You can even Select the Size of your canvas
Search templates
Add your own images and it generates you new design ideas
Search Fotos, Grapics or even Video - alternative design Ideas are generated on the fly
Adding text
It’s really impressive. I am not a designer and it’s often painful to create beautiful Images. With Designer i find this task much easyer and the result looks much more appealing.
The new AI Designer app is available to all users free of charge in a functionally somewhat limited free version, including non-Microsoft customers. The additional functions of the premium version, on the other hand, will be available exclusively to Microsoft 365 customers with a slight delay.
The only related thing i could find on the M365 Roadmap was the Integration of Microsoft Designer in SharePoint.
Andres Bohren