Intune deploy Win32 app

Intune deploy Win32 app

Hi All,

To install an .exe or *.msi with Intune you need to Prepare Win32 app content for upload and create a *.intunewin File

To create the *.intunewin File you will need the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool

In my example i run the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe interactive from a Windows Command Terminal.

You will need to:

  • specify source folder
  • specify setup file
  • specify output folder

Microsoft Intune Admin Center > Apps > All apps

Select “Add” and select “Windows app (Win32)” also for x64 Apps

Now select your *.intunewin file

Add Publisher, select Category and add a Logo

Will be filled out automatically. Check restart behaviour

Select requirements for the App. Some of them i just guessed 😊

I’ve added a manual detection Rule based on the MSI GUID

Add the assigned Device Group on witch the Software should be installed

Summary screen

On the Client start Company Portal

If you go to settings and click on “Sync” it will refresh and trigger the installation

Notification that the software will be installed

As you can see the Software has been installed

If we look in the Intune Admin Center > All Apps > 7-Zip we can see that it was installed on one computer

Andres Bohren

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