PowerToys v0.72.0 released

Hi All,
I noticed that Microsoft has released a new Version of PowerToys.
In the Main Window click on “Install now”
Update is sucessfully installed
Download an Release notes can be found here
The Mouse Highlighter will draw a yellow dot every time you klick
Use “Windows + Shift + H” to activate / deactivate
In PowerToys Run there is a new Plugin that can generate Hashes or guid
This is how you use it: use “alt + space” to activate PowerToys Run
# guid3 ns:URL www.microsoft.com to generate the GUIDv3 for the URL namespace using the URL namespace.
# sha1 abc to calculate the SHA1 hash for the string 'abc'.
# base64 abc to encode the string 'abc' to base64.
Andres Bohren