Report Domains used for Mailboxes in ExchangeOnline
Hi All,
Recently i had a Customer that wantet to figure out what Domains are used by his Exchange Online Mailboxes.
First we need to figure out, what accepted Domains he owns. That can be archieved, by the following command
Connect-ExchangeOnline -ShowBanner:$false
The Emailadresses are stored in the Attributes EmailAddresses (Array) and PrimarySMTPAddress
Get-Mailbox -Identity | fl EmailAddresses, PrimarySMTPAddress
Let’s get all Mailboxes and use a Where-Object Filter
Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
[Array]$RecipientAddress = $Mailboxes| where-object {$_.EmailAddresses -like "*"}
I’ve writen a small Script to Report the Emailaddresses and PrimarySMTPAddress for each Domain
The Script can be found also on my GitHub Repo
# Report EmailAddresses and PrimaryEmailaddress per AcceptedDomain
# 2023.01.25 - V1.0 - Andres Bohren
If ($Null -eq $(Get-ConnectionInformation))
Write-Host "Connect-ExchangeOnline" -ForegroundColor Green
Connect-ExchangeOnline -ShowBanner:$false
Write-Host "Getting AcceptedDomains..." -ForegroundColor Green
$AcceptedDomains = Get-AcceptedDomain
Write-Host "Getting Mailboxes..." -ForegroundColor Green
$Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
#Loop through AcceptedDomains
$Results = @()
$INT = 0
Foreach ($AcceptedDomain in $AcceptedDomains)
$INT = $INT + 1
$Domain = $AcceptedDomain.DomainName
Write-Host "Working on Domain: $Domain [$INT]" -ForegroundColor Green
#Additional EmailAddresses
[Array]$RecipientAddress = $Mailboxes| where {$_.EmailAddresses -like "*@$Domain"}
$RecipientCount = $RecipientAddress.Count
Write-Host "EmailAddressesCount: $RecipientCount"
[Array]$PrimaryRecipients = $Mailboxes| where {$_.PrimarySMTPAddress -like "*@$Domain"}
$PrimaryRecipientCount = $PrimaryRecipients.Count
Write-Host "PrimaryAddressCount: $PrimaryRecipientCount"
#Create PSCustomObject
$myObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
Domain = $domain
EmailAddresses = $RecipientCount
PrimaryEmailaddress = $PrimaryRecipientCount
#Add to Results Array
$Results += $myObject
$CSVPath = "$PSScriptRoot\EmailAddressesPerDomain.csv"
Write-Host "Exported to $CSVPath"
$Results | Export-Csv -Path "$PSScriptRoot\EmailAddressesPerDomain.csv" -NoTypeInformation
The Output is stored as a CSV File in the Script Directory
Andres Bohren