New Azure Connected Machine Agent 1.45 for Azure ARC

New Azure Connected Machine Agent 1.45 for Azure ARC

Hi All,

While Checking the Updates for Azure Arc Enabled Machines

i did spot an Update for the Azure Connected Machine Agent


  • Fixed an issue where EnableEnd telemetry would sometimes be sent too soon.
  • Added sending a failed timed-out EnableEnd telemetry log if extension takes longer than the allowed time to complete.

New features

  • Azure Arc proxy now supports HTTP traffic.
  • New proxy.bypass value ‘AMA’ added to support AMA VM extension proxy bypass.

You can check the Version in the Properties of C:\Program Files\AzureConnectedMachineAgent\Azcmagent.exe

It’s a little bit strange, didn’t find the Update on all Arc Enabled Machines

AZ PowerShell

Connect-AzAccount -Tenant
Get-AzSubscription -TenantId 46bbad84-29f0-4e03-8d34-f6841a5071ad
Select-AzSubscription 62585cfc-6e5b-48f7-bcb9-72cfad8dac0d

You need to Install the PowerShell Module Az.ConnectedMachine. List all the Arc Enabled Machines in a ResourceGroup

Install-PSResource Az.ConnectedMachine -Scope CurrentUser

List details of a Specific Machines

Get-AzConnectedMachine -ResourceGroupName "RG_ARC" -MachineName ICESRV04

List the AgentVersion of the Arc Enabled Machines

Get-AzConnectedMachine | ft DisplayName, AgentVersion, LastStatusChange,Status, ProvisioningState

I have downloaded and installed the newest Connected Machine Agent on all Servers

Now all the Agents are on the most current version

Get-AzConnectedMachine | ft DisplayName, AgentVersion, LastStatusChange,Status, ProvisioningState

Connect-AzAccount -Tenant
Get-AzSubscription -TenantId 46bbad84-29f0-4e03-8d34-f6841a5071ad
Select-AzSubscription 62585cfc-6e5b-48f7-bcb9-72cfad8dac0d

Even there seems to be some commands to control the Agent. This does not trigger an Update of the Connected Machine Agent.

Update-AzConnectedMachine -ResourceGroupName "RG_ARC" -Name ICESRV02 -AgentUpgradeEnableAutomatic
Update-AzConnectedMachine -ResourceGroupName "RG_ARC" -Name ICESRV02 -AgentUpgradeDesiredVersion "1.45.02769.1796"

Hopefully that changes some time and Upgrade of Azure Connected Machine Agend will become much easyer.

Andres Bohren

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