MicrosoftPlaces 1.2.0 Preview

Hi All,
I few days ago, Microsoft has released a Preview Version of the MicrosoftPlaces PowerShell Module.
Release Notes:
- 1.2.0 Add-WifiDevices: Fix current directory issue and refine output messages.
- 1.1.0 Add-WifiDevices: Introduces a new cmdlet to upload Wi-Fi devices in bulk to the Device Inventory.
You need to use the -Prerelease Parameter to list Preview Versions of a PowerShell Module
Get-InstalledPSResource -Name MicrosoftPlaces -Scope CurrentUser
Find-PSResource -Name MicrosoftPlaces -Prerelease
Uninstall the current Module and install the Preview Version of the Module
Uninstall-PSResource -Name MicrosoftPlaces -Scope CurrentUser
Install-PSResource -Name MicrosoftPlaces -Scope CurrentUser -Prerelease
Get-InsalledPSResource -Name MicrosoftPlaces -Scope CurrentUser
List the cmdlets of the PowerShell Module. You can see the new Add-WifiDevices commandlet
Get-Command -Module MicrosoftPlaces
Let’s check the Help for the Command. It seem’s like its just a Bulk Option for New-PlaceDevice
Get-Help Add-WifiDevices
For WLAN you need the BSSID of your WLAN Accesspoint. It’s basically the MAC Address of the Accesspoint. You can figure out the SSID and MAC Addresses with this Command while not beeing connected to one of the WLAN’s.
netsh wlan show network mode=bssid
Show the current Configuration of Places
Get-PlaceV3 | ft
You need to create a CSV with Columns “BSSID” and “BuildingName”
You need also a CSV with Columns “BuildingName” and “PlacesDirectoryBuildingName”
It reminds me a bit to my Blog Article Microsoft Teams Emergency Calling Switzerland
Now we can run the command and use the two CSV Files
Add-WifiDevices -Action "UploadEntries" -InputFilePath "C:\Temp\BSSID_Buildings.csv" -BuildingMappingFile "C:\Temp\BuildingMap.csv"
I’ve rerun the same command with the same csv files and this time there are no errors
You can check the Config with the following Command
Andres Bohren