New M365 Roadmap API URL

Hi All,
I don’t know if you have noticed, that there is a URL Change for the M365 Roadmap API.
Like me, some of you might use the RSS Feed of Roadmapwatch
For those of you that like to use the M365 Roadmap API - it’s very simple. It’s a simple REST Webservice that does not require Authentication.
#New Roadmap URL
$RoadmapURL = ""
$Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $RoadmapURL
There are some Tags you or Products might want to Filter.
All from Products = “Microsoft Teams” sort by modified date and displayed as Table
$Result | Where-Object {$_.TagsContainer.products.tagName -eq "Microsoft Teams"} | Sort-Object modified -descending | Format-Table id, modified, status, publicDisclosureAvailabilityDate, Title
Filter the Result where the “#NewOutlook” appears in the Description and Status is not “Launched” sort by modified date and displayed as Table
$Result | Where-Object {$_.description -like "*#NewOutlook*" -and $_.status -ne "Launched"} | Sort-Object created -Descending | Format-Table id, modified, status, publicDisclosureAvailabilityDate, Title
Andres Bohren