PowerShell 7.4.4 released

PowerShell 7.4.4 released

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Today i’ve noticed, that there is a new PowerShell 7 Version available. Currently i have PowerShell 7.4.3 installed You can Download it from here: v7.4.4 Release of PowerShell Release notes: Engine Updates and Fixes Resolve paths correctly when importing files or files referenced in the module manifest (Internal 31780) Build and Packaging Improvements Bump .NET to 8.0.303 I’ve downloaded the *.msi File and here are the Screenshots from the Installation
Entra Connect Sync 2.3.20 released

Entra Connect Sync 2.3.20 released

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Somehow i did miss, that there was an Update for Entra Connect Sync (Azure Active Directory Connect) from early April. It’s for download only, so no Automatic Update. Microsoft Entra Connect: Version release history Download Microsoft Entra Connect It’s still a bit a mess with the Product Names. The Product Name is “Microsoft Entra Connect Sync” but the Title ist “Microsoft Entra Connect” and you download “AzureADConnect.msi”. Installation I’ve downloaded the MSI and here are the Installation Screenshots - yay we get a an updated Logo 😍
Microsoft Remote Desktop for AVD and Windows 365 1.2.5559

Microsoft Remote Desktop for AVD and Windows 365 1.2.5559

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Today i was notified, that a new Version of the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client is available Release Notes: What’s new in the Remote Desktop client for Windows Fixed an issue where users who were connecting using protocol launch had to complete two MFA prompts. When you start the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client, it checks for Updates and you can see a green arrow, that indicates an Update Installing the Update
Exchange Online DANE Inbound Preview

Exchange Online DANE Inbound Preview

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Yesterday the Exchange Team has anouced the Announcing Public Preview of Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC for Exchange Online. Our target dates for upcoming roadmap items are: August 2024 – Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC and MTA-STS report in the Exchange admin center October 2024 – General Availability of Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC End of 2024 Deploying Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC for all Outlook domains Transition provisioning of mail records for all newly created Accepted Domains into DNSSEC-enabled infrastructure underneath *.
CloudShell doest not require Azure Storage Account anymore

CloudShell doest not require Azure Storage Account anymore

Andres Bohren
Hi All, I did notice yesterday, that finnaly the Cloud Shell in Azure and M365 does not require a Storage Account anymore. Azure Got to Azure Portal and hit that PowerShell Icon on top near the Search Bar. The Cloud Shell starts and offers you to connect to Bash or PowerShell. I will use PowerShell here. You can select “No storage account required” but still are required to select an Azure Subscription.
MSIdentityTools PowerShell Module 2.0.68 released

MSIdentityTools PowerShell Module 2.0.68 released

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Just a few Hours ago, Microsoft has released a new Version of MSIdentityTools PowerShell Module PowerShell Gallery MSIdentityTools 2.0.66 Some insights via GitHub CommitLog - as you can see there is also a Pull Request from me that has been accepted I’ve used my M365PSProfile Module to update the Module - find the Documentation here: https://github.com/fabrisodotps1/M365PSProfile/ Install-PSResource -Name M365PSProfile Add-M365PSProfile Install-M365Module List the commands from the Module Get-Command -Module MSIdentityTools List users where the last sign-in was more than 30 days
Office 365 Management Activity API

Office 365 Management Activity API

Andres Bohren
Hi All, In my previous Article Query M365 Audit Log i have compared Search-UnifiedAuditLog with the Preview Microsoft.Graph API. I did not cover the Management Activity API - i will cover that now in this Article. More Information: Office 365 Management Activity API reference Microsoft 365 Compliance audit log activities via O365 Management API - Part 1 Microsoft 365 Compliance audit log activities via O365 Management API - Part 2 Entra App I’ve created an Entra Application.
PowerToys v0.82.1 released

PowerToys v0.82.1 released

Andres Bohren
Hi All, I noticed that Microsoft has released a new Version of PowerToys. In the Main Window click on “Install now” The Release notes can be found here Release v0.82.1 Installation in Progress What’s new Updated PowerToys Regards Andres Bohren Windows Logo
Use Azure Storage Queue with PowerShell

Use Azure Storage Queue with PowerShell

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Last year i’ve created the Swiss Domain Security Report Q4 2023 where i ran a PowerShell 7 Script with up to 15 paralell Processes to analize the 2.5 Mio .ch Domains on a Virtual Machine on my Homelab. For this Year i am thinking about crating a more Cloud native approach with an Azure Function with a Queue storage trigger Storage Queue For that i needed to create an Azure Storage Queue
Query M365 Audit Log

Query M365 Audit Log

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Recently i was playing around with some M365 Audit Log Querys. There are many ways how you can query the M365 Audit Log: The Audit Log search Microsoft Purview compliance portal Search-UnifiedAuditLog Management Activity API Preview Microsoft.Graph API Note: Update on the Deprecation of Admin Audit Log Cmdlets The Admin Audit Log cmdlets will be deprecated on September 15, 2024. The Mailbox Audit Log cmdlets will have a separate deprecation date, which will be announced early next year.