Hi All,
Today i’ve noticed, that there is a new PowerShell 7 Version available. Currently i have PowerShell 7.4.6 installed.
What’s New in PowerShell 7.5 You can Download it from here: v7.5.0 Release of PowerShell
Build and Packaging Improvements:
Update .NET SDK to 9.0.102 Add tool package download in publish nuget stage Fix Changelog content grab during GitHub Release Mark build as latest stable release/v7.5 Update branch for release - Transitive - true Update Microsoft.
Hi All,
Just short bevore christmas, i received a new Microsoft Surface Laptop 6 for business from my Company.
15" Screen Black Intel® Core™ Ultra 7 Prozessor 165H 32GB RAM 1TB SSD The setup was quickly done, and the required Software was immediately installed. After several Weeks of use, i can say i am very happy with this device.
Smart Charging I noticed the heart symbol, below the Battery and wondered what it does mean.
Hi All,
Today I have received a notifications, that there is a new Jabra Direct release available.
Jabra Direct Release Notes
Resolved an issue giving false positive notifications in certain antivirus programs Updated Software - No Updates available
Current Version of Jabra Direct
Andres Bohren
Unified Messaging Logo
Hi All,
Recently I had the Task to set up Entra External collaboration settings with PowerShell.
According to the Microsoft Documentation you should use the AzureAD PowerShell Module
Allow or block B2B collaboration with organizations The retirement of the MSOnline (MSOL) and AzureAD PowerShell Modules has been postphoned many times. The modules will not be supported after March 30 2025. It would certainly work, but that would be only a short time solution.
Hi All,
A few Days ago, Microsoft has released a new Version of PowerShell PSResourceGet to the PowerShell Gallery
Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet 1.1.0 Release notes:
Bugfix for publishing .nupkg file to ContainerRegistry repository (#1763) Bugfix for PMPs like Artifactory needing modified filter query parameter to proxy upstream (#1761) Bugfix for ContainerRegistry repository to parse out dependencies from metadata (#1766) Bugfix for Install-PSResource Null pointer occurring when package is present only in upstream feed in ADO (#1760) Bugfix for local repository casing issue on Linux (#1750) Update README.
Hi All,
Today i’ve seen the notification, that Azure Storage Explorer 1.37.0 has been released.
GitHub Release v1.37.0 Installation
Everything went smooth
Updated Azure Storage Explorer
Details from About
Andres Bohren
Azure Logo
Hi All,
Today Microsoft has released the ExchangeOnlineManagement 3.7.1 PowerShell Module.
PowerShell Gallery ExchangeOnlineManagement 3.7.1 v3.7.1:
Introduced a new property named ExoExchangeSecurityDescriptor in Get-ExoMailbox response, that is similar to ExchangeSecurityDescriptor property in Get-Mailbox response. Added new cmdlets Add-VivaOrgInsightsDelegatedRole, Get-VivaOrgInsightsDelegatedRole, and Remove-VivaOrgInsightsDelegatedRole for supporting Viva Org Insights Delegation feature. I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Show installed Versions and what’s available in PowerShell Gallery. You need to use the -Prerelease Parameter to show Preview Versions of a Module
Hi All,
A few Days ago I did read the following Article about DKIM Signing Keys at Heise Online:
E-Mails: Experten schleusen Fälschungen mittels geknackter DKIM-Schlüssel ein One of the key Messages is this:
The attempt shows that RSA keys with a length of 384, 512 or 768 bits can be cracked with little effort. But 1024-bit DKIM keys are no longer “state of the art” today, but are often still accepted for reasons of compatibility.
Hi All,
Today I’ve learned, that a new Product is available for Self-Service, but you can disable this Product for self-service purchase.
MS Learn Use AllowSelfServicePurchase for the MSCommerce PowerShell module
You will need the MSCommerce PowerShell Module 2.3
Let’s list the self-service Products
Connect-MSCommerce Get-MSCommerceProductPolicies -PolicyID AllowSelfServicePurchase Let’s disable the “Microsoft 365 Copilot” for self-service
Update-MSCommerceProductPolicy -PolicyId AllowSelfServicePurchase -Productid "CFQ7TTC0JN4R" -Enabled $false Get-MSCommerceProductPolicies -PolicyID AllowSelfServicePurchase M365 Admin Portal On the Microsoft Learn site below it’s explained how to use this as “Billing Administrator”.
Hi All,
Today I noticed that there is an update for Git. But it is only available as source.
Highlights from Git 2.48 Release Notes You can check your current version with the following command
git -v to update use the command below
git update-git-for-windows Then the update starts
We have updated to 2.47.1.windows.2 (or
git -v If you look at git-scm it shows the newest Source Code Release 2.