Hi All,
About two Weeks ago, Microsoft has announced the public preview of the Exchange Export-Import Graph API.
Introducing the Microsoft Graph Export-Import APIs for Exchange in public preview Many of our customers currently rely on APIs powered by Exchange Web Services (EWS) for tasks like Exchange mailbox backup, archiving and migration. However, with the EWS deprecation initiative, customers have been asking for a method built on the Microsoft Graph platform to discover mailbox items, selectively export them and then import these items into Exchange Online mailboxes.
Hi All,
Recently I had the Task to set up Entra External collaboration settings with PowerShell.
According to the Microsoft Documentation you should use the AzureAD PowerShell Module
Allow or block B2B collaboration with organizations The retirement of the MSOnline (MSOL) and AzureAD PowerShell Modules has been postphoned many times. The modules will not be supported after March 30 2025. It would certainly work, but that would be only a short time solution.
Hi All,
In the previous Article I’ve explained how to check for Entra Apps with expiring ClientSecrets and Certificates.
In this Blog Article i explain how we can extend this into a Azure Automation Runbook.
Automation Account The Azure Automation Account needs to have a Managed Identity
Use the AZ PowerShell to get Infos about the Azure Automation Account
############################################################################### # Get Managed Identity of Azure Automation Account ############################################################################### Connect-AzAccount -Tenant icewolfch.
Hi All,
A few years ago, i did write a Script to warn Entra Application Owners about expiring ClientSecrets and Certificates.
PowerShell Script to check for AAD Apps with expiring ClientSecrets and Certificates The Script has been using the AzureAD PowerShell Module. Time to renew it to Microsoft.Graph
Entra App Registrations Here is the Code to get the Entra App Registration with Microsoft.Graph PowerShell
#Connect to Microsoft.Graph Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Application.Read.All -NoWelcome Let’s have a look at a specific Entra Application
Hi All,
A few Hors ago, Microsoft has released the Version 2.25.0 of Microsoft.Graph and Microsoft.Graph.Beta Modules.
PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph 2.25.0 PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph.Beta 2.25.0 Release Notes
Adds Beta Cmdlets for paths under the directory.publicKeyInfrastructureRoot tag [v2] Examples Update Updates wrong Connect-MgBetaGraph to Connect-MgGraph Handles + character in supported equality and function operators in filter expressions Update CONTRIBUTING.md - fixing link by @mmascolino I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Hi All,
I have two Groups that are used to assign M365 Licenses to Users.
Recently there was a change to move the Management from the Entra Admin Center to the M365 Admin Center
Entra Admin Center In the Entra Admin Center you still can find the Groups
If you select the Group and click on “Licenses” you can see the Warning Message that informs you that the Management of the Licenses has now moved to M365 Admin Center.
Hi All,
Recently i was working together with one of my fellows (shout out to Raul Ruta) to figure out how Register Passkeys with the new Microsoft Graph Beta API’s.
The only thing we found was the Article of Jan Bakker, that uses the Yubico Sample scripts based on Phyton.
Register Yubikeys on behalf of your users with Microsoft Entra ID FIDO2 provisioning APIs I was looking if there is a better way that does not require Phyton and found this PowerShell Module
Hi All,
A few Hors ago, Microsoft has released the Version 2.24.0 of Microsoft.Graph and Microsoft.Graph.Beta Modules.
PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph 2.24.0 PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph.Beta 2.24.0 Release Notes
[v2] Weekly OpenApI Docs Refresh [v2] Examples Update Corrected example 5 title by @msewaweru Adds AutoRest directives to remove over generated cmdlets Fixes subsequent failures after first successful Invoke-MgGraphRequest run when using national cloud environments Updated example to remove mentions of Global admin by @msewaweru I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Hi All,
Last December i have created an Azure Automation Runbook that checks weekly if there are changes in the Microsoft 365 Service Plans of my Tenant.
As you can see it works fine and informed me on Friday that a new Serviceplan “GRAPH_CONNECTORS_SEARCH_INDEX” has been added to all Licenses.
Keep Track of new ServicePlans in M365 Licenses In the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal it looks like this
What are Graph Connectors?
Hi All,
A few Years ago i wrote an Article on how to Grant Access to a Entra App in Sharepoint to upload Files to a SharePoint Site with PnP.PowerShell
Upload file to SharePoint Online with PnP.PowerShell I wanted to do the same thing and there is a big red bar on top, that informs about the Azure ACS Retirement in April 2026.
Starting April 2, 2026, Azure Access Control service (ACS) usage will be retired for SharePoint in Microsoft 365 and users will no longer be able to create or use Azure ACS principals to access SharePoint.