Exchange Hybrid OWA Redirection in Exchange Online
Hi All,
I recently had a customer where the OWA Redirect in Exchange Online (Exchange Hybrid configuration) did not work.
The reason was, that the TargetOWAURL was not set
Get-OrganizationRelationship -Identity "O365 to On-Prem*" | fl
I have a SharedMailbox OnPrem where my User has FullAccess
In Exchange Online i go to Outlook on the Web and select "Open another Mailbox"
I search for the Mailbox and hit "Open"
At this point the Customer was presented an Error
"Something went wrong" OwaUserHasNoMailboxAndNoLicenseAssignedException
But i've set the TargetOWAURL and i get the Link to the OnPrem OWA.
It is basically the OWA URL + Emailadress: https://mail.domain.tld/owa/email@domain.tld
Depending on the configuration of your Exchange Organization you need to login with Domain\Username or UserPrincipalname/Email
As nobody has ever logged into that Mailbox before you will be presented the Languange and TimeZone dialoge
Now i am logged into the Shared Mailbox on OnPrem OWA
Andres Bohren