Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Modules 2.8.0 released

Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Modules 2.8.0 released

Hi All,

Just a few Hours ago, Microsoft has released the Version 2.8.0 of Microsoft.Graph and Microsoft.Graph.Beta Modules.

PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph 2.8.0

PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph.Beta 2.8.0

Read more in the Release Notes

  • Refreshes the SDK with the latest APIs
  • Adds documentation for Authentication cmdlets
  • Fixes missing cmdlets/API path in 2.7.0 (now unlisted)
  • Fixes translation of /me to /users/{user-id} for Find-MgGraphCommand
  • Updates examples

I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.

Show installed Versions and what’s available in PowerShell Gallery

Get-InstalledPSResource Microsoft.Graph -Scope AllUsers
Get-InstalledPSResource Microsoft.Graph.Beta -Scope AllUsers
Find-PSResource Microsoft.Graph
Find-PSResource Microsoft.Graph.Beta

Uninstalling the old Microsoft.Graph Modules

Get-InstalledPSResource Microsoft.Graph -Scope AllUsers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Uninstall-PSResource -Scope AllUsers -SkipDependencyCheck
Get-InstalledPSResource Microsoft.Graph* -Scope AllUsers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Uninstall-PSResource -Scope AllUsers -SkipDependencyCheck

Installing the New Microsoft.Graph Modules

Install-PSResource Microsoft.Graph -Scope AllUsers
Install-PSResource Microsoft.Graph.Beta -Scope AllUsers

List all the Modules

Get-PSResource Microsoft.Graph.* -Scope AllUsers

Some basic testing

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes
Get-MgUser -UserId

Andres Bohren

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