Microsoft Teams 5.8.1 Preview Managed Identity support for *-cs cmdlets

Microsoft Teams 5.8.1 Preview Managed Identity support for *-cs cmdlets

Hi All,

Microsoft has releaseed the MicrosoftTeams 5.8.1 Preview Module

Release Notes

  • 5.8.1-preview* (The project - MicrosoftTeams contains changes till this release)
  • Adds support for managed identity based auth for *-Cs cmdlets using -Identity parameter in Connect-MicrosoftTeams.
  • Few cmdlets that don’t support application-based authentication are not supported for this as well.

This is very exiting. Back in August i tried to use MicrosoftTeams on Azure Automation with the Managed Identity. The Setup and the Permissions needed are documented there.

I used the “Deploy to Azure Automation” to deploy the Module to my Azure Automation Account


Installation of the Preview Module has been completed

Here is my Test Code from the Azure Automation Runbook

# Demo Teams Runbook
Write-Output "Connect Teams"
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Identity

Write-Output "Getting Teams"
$Teams = Get-Team
Write-Output "Found $($teams.Count) teams"

Write-Output "Get-CsOnlineUser"
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity | fl *Ent*,*host*,*voice*, *line*

Write-Output "Disconnect Teams"

I can confirm that ManagedIdentity with the Preview Module now works for *-cs commandlets 🤩

Andres Bohren

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