Azure Automation Modules and Runbooks PowerShell 7.2

Azure Automation Modules and Runbooks PowerShell 7.2

Hi All,

A few days ago, i opened up my Runbooks on Azure Automation Account. It tells you that PowerShell 7.1 and Phyton 2.7 are no longer supportet and provides you with a Link

Until now the AZ PowerShell did not support the Management of PowerShell 7.x Modules you had to use some tricks like i documented here

With the latest AZ 11.2.0 PowerShell Modules you can now Manage the PowerShell Modules 5.1 and 7.2 of your Azure Automation Account.

Check the AZ PowerShell Module Version

Get-InstalledPSResource AZ

From the Azure Portal you still can install Modules for 5.1, 7.1 and 7.2

Connect with Azure and List the Automation Accounts - we’re using icewolfautomation in this Blog Article

#Connect to Azure
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant

#Get Automation Account

Let’s check the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module in the GUI - what a strange Version Number of the PowerShell 7.2 Module

You can only list PowerShell 5.1 and Powershell 7.2 Modules

# Get-AzAutomationModule

#Get Modules
$accountName = 'icewolfautomation'
$rgName = 'RG_DEV'
$ModuleName = "MicrosoftTeams"
#Get 5.1 Module
$RuntimeVersion = "5.1" #5.1, 7.2
Get-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -RuntimeVersion $RuntimeVersion | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$ModuleName"}

#Get 7.2 Module
$RuntimeVersion = "7.2" #5.1, 7.2
Get-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -RuntimeVersion $RuntimeVersion | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$ModuleName"}

Let’s remove the PowerShell 7.2 MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module

# Remove-AzAutomationModule
#Remove Module
$accountName = 'icewolfautomation'
$rgName = 'RG_DEV'
$ModuleName = "MicrosoftTeams"
$RuntimeVersion = "7.2" #5.1, 7.2
Remove-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $ModuleName -RuntimeVersion $RuntimeVersion

As you can see in the Azure Portal the PowerShell 7.2 Module has been removed

Let’s add the PowerShell 7.2 Module MicrosoftTeams

# New-AzAutomationModule
#Add Module
$ModuleName = "MicrosoftTeams"
$moduleVersion = "5.9.0"
$RuntimeVersion = "7.2" #5.1, 7.2
New-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $moduleName -ContentLinkUri "$moduleName/$moduleVersion" -RuntimeVersion $RuntimeVersion

In the Azure Portal you can see that the Module is beeing installed

If we look in PowerShell we can see the “PrivisioningState” set to “Creating”

#Get Modules
$accountName = 'icewolfautomation'
$rgName = 'RG_DEV'
$ModuleName = "MicrosoftTeams"
#Get 7.2 Module
$RuntimeVersion = "7.2" #5.1, 7.2
Get-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -RuntimeVersion $RuntimeVersion | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$ModuleName"}

When the Installation has been finished in Azure Portal

We check again in PowerShell and can see the “PrivisioningState” set to “Succeeded”

#Get Modules
$accountName = 'icewolfautomation'
$rgName = 'RG_DEV'
$ModuleName = "MicrosoftTeams"
#Get 7.2 Module
$RuntimeVersion = "7.2" #5.1, 7.2
Get-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -RuntimeVersion $RuntimeVersion | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$ModuleName"}


It seems that the Commands for PowerShell 7.2 Runbooks are not quite ready.

Create a new PowerShell 7.2 Runbook

# New-AzAutomationRunbook
#Create Runbook
$accountName = 'icewolfautomation'
$rgName = 'RG_DEV'
$Name = 'PS7Runbook'
$Type = 'PowerShell72' #PowerShell,PowerShell72
New-AzAutomationRunbook -Name $Name -Type $Type -AutomationAccountName $accountName -ResourceGroupName $rgName

The Runbook has been created but is not yet published

Publish a Runbook

# Publish-AzAutomationRunbook
#Publish Runbook
$accountName = 'icewolfautomation'
$rgName = 'RG_DEV'
$Name = 'PS7Runbook'
Publish-AzAutomationRunbook -Name $Name -ResourceGroupName $rgName -AutomationAccountName $accountName

The Runbok has been published

But there is no Source Code in it

Get Runbook

# Get-AzAutomationRunbook
$accountName = 'icewolfautomation'
$rgName = 'RG_DEV'
$Name = 'PS7Runbook'
Get-AzAutomationRunbook -Name $Name -ResourceGroupName $rgName -AutomationAccountName $accountName #-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Delete Runbook

# Remove-AzAutomationRunbook
#Remove Runbook
$accountName = 'icewolfautomation'
$rgName = 'RG_DEV'
$Name = 'PS7Runbook'
Remove-AzAutomationRunbook -Name $Name -AutomationAccountName $accountname -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Force

Import Runbook from a *.ps1 File

# Import-AzAutomationRunbook
# Import Runbook
$accountName = 'icewolfautomation'
$rgName = 'RG_DEV'
$Name = 'PS7Runbook'
$Type = 'PowerShell72' #PowerShell,PowerShell72
$scriptContent = @'
    #Connect to Exchange with Managed Identity
    $tenant = ""
    Connect-ExchangeOnline -ManagedIdentity -Organization $tenant

    #Get Accepted Domain
    Get-AcceptedDomain | Format-Table DomainName, DomainType

    #Disconnect Exchange Online
    Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -Confirm:$False
Set-Content -Path .\Temp\ScriptContent.ps1 -Value $ScriptContent
Import-AzAutomationRunbook -Path .\Temp\ScriptContent.ps1 -Name $Name -ResourceGroupName $rgName -AutomationAccountName $accountName -Type $Type

The Runbook has been imported - but it’s not Published yet

Publish a Runbook

# Publish-AzAutomationRunbook
#Publish Runbook
$accountName = 'icewolfautomation'
$rgName = 'RG_DEV'
$Name = 'PS7Runbook'
Publish-AzAutomationRunbook -Name $Name -ResourceGroupName $rgName -AutomationAccountName $accountName

And now the Runbook also has Code

Andres Bohren

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