Microsoft Teams Private Line

Microsoft Teams Private Line

Hi All,

Microsoft Teams Private Line has been released earlyer this year.

Keep the following requirements for private lines in mind:

  • Users can be assigned one private line only
  • Internal or external reverse number lookup (RNL) works with private lines
  • Private lines must be the same number type as the user’s primary line
  • Private lines must have the same licensing requirements as the user’s primary phone number
  • Users must be “voice enabled” for private lines

With private line, users will be able to have a private second phone number that they can make available to a select set of callers to call them directly, bypassing delegates, admins, or assistants.

Inbound calls to the private line will be distinguished by a unique notification and ringtone. The private line will support incoming calls only.

Private Line

The Private Line is not visible in Teams Admin Center

The Private Line is not visible in the Teams Client

Connect to Teams and list the Assigned Phone Numbers

Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -AssignedPstnTargetId

List the Primary and Private AssignmentCategory

Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -AssignmentCategory Primary | ft TelephoneNumber,NumberType,AssignmentCategory,PstnAssignmentStatus

Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -AssignmentCategory Private | ft TelephoneNumber,NumberType,AssignmentCategory,PstnAssignmentStatus

Add the Private Line

Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity -PhoneNumber +41215553978 -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting -AssignmentCategory Private
Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -AssignedPstnTargetId

Now we have an Entry in the Private AssignementCategory

Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -AssignmentCategory Private | ft TelephoneNumber,NumberType,AssignmentCategory,PstnAssignmentStatus

That’s how it looks when the Private Line is called

Let’s configure Forwarding

As you can see the Call to the Private Line was passed through. The Call to the regular Telephone Number has been forwarded to Voicemail as configured before.

Remove the Private Line

Remove-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity -PhoneNumber +41215553978 -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting
Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -AssignedPstnTargetId

Andres Bohren

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