MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 6.3.0 released

Hi All,
Just a few Hours ago, Microsoft has released the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 6.3.0 to the PowerShell Gallery.
PowerShell Gallery MicrosoftTeams 6.3.0

Read more details in the Release Notes
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Module is now supported only in PowerShell 7.2 & later, Windows PowerShell 5.1.
- Adds AcsResourceId output attribute to the Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance cmdlet.
- Adds new parameter DefaultFileUploadAppId to [Set|New]-CsTeamsFilesPolicy cmdlets.
- DefaultFileUploadAppId attribute is added in the Get-CsTeamsFilesPolicy output.

I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Check installed Module and what’s available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledPSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope CurrentUser
Find-PSResource MicrosoftTeams

Uninstall the old Module and install the newest Module
Uninstall-PSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope CurrentUser
Install-PSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope CurrentUser
Get-InstalledPSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope CurrentUser

Some basic testing
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity | fl *Ent*,*host*,*voice*, *line*

New or updated Commandlets

Users with no License show an “AccountType” of “IneligibleUser”. But that’s not working all the way through 🤔
Get-CsTeamsFilesPolicy | fl

Or you can simply use my M365PSProfile Module - find the Documentation here:
Install-PSResource -Name M365PSProfile

Andres Bohren

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