Exchange Online DANE Inbound Preview

Exchange Online DANE Inbound Preview

Hi All,

Yesterday the Exchange Team has anouced the Announcing Public Preview of Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC for Exchange Online.

Our target dates for upcoming roadmap items are:

  • August 2024 – Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC and MTA-STS report in the Exchange admin center
  • October 2024 – General Availability of Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC
  • End of 2024
    • Deploying Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC for all Outlook domains
    • Transition provisioning of mail records for all newly created Accepted Domains into DNSSEC-enabled infrastructure underneath *
  • February 2025 – Mandatory Outbound SMTP DANE, set per-tenant/per-remote domain


I’ve already written an Arcicle about how DANE - DNS based Authentification of Named Entities works.

One of the Prerequisits is that the Domain is using DNSSEC

I moved one of my Domains to Hostpoint because theyr DNS supports DNSSEC

You can check if your DNS Supports DNSSEC by the following Tool

Or use DNS over HTTPS from Google with the following Commands.

Note: AD = Authentic Data (the Answer is signed by DNSSEC)

$Domain = ""
$URI = "$Domain&type=NS"
$json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI

Exchange Online commands

You need to have the ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell module 3.5.1

The Rollout of the Commandlets have been started and should be available until next Week.

Connect-ExchangeOnline -ShowBanner:$false
Get-Command *dnssec* -Module tmpEXO_*
Get-Command *dane* -Module tmpEXO_*

Let’s check for a Domain that has NOT enabled with DNSSEC

Get-DnssecStatusForVerifiedDomain -DomainName

Let’s check the details

$DNSSec = Get-DnssecStatusForVerifiedDomain -DomainName

Let’s check for a Domain that HAS enabled with DNSSEC

Get-DnssecStatusForVerifiedDomain -DomainName

$DNSSec = Get-DnssecStatusForVerifiedDomain -DomainName

I did add * to my MTA-STS Policy and set the Mode from “enforced” to “testing”

Did not help with the MtaStsValidation

$DNSSec = Get-DnssecStatusForVerifiedDomain -DomainName

A few weeks ago, i wrote an Article about Query the M365 DNS with the Graph Api

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Domain.Read.All -NoWelcome
$M365DNSRecords = Get-MgDomainServiceConfigurationRecord -DomainId
$M365DNSRecords | where {$_.RecordType -eq "MX"} | fl

Now let’s enable the Domain for DNSSEC

Enable-DnssecForVerifiedDomain -DomainName

Let’s check the Graph Api again - wow that was fast 😍

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Domain.Read.All -NoWelcome
$M365DNSRecords = Get-MgDomainServiceConfigurationRecord -DomainId
$M365DNSRecords | where {$_.RecordType -eq "MX"} | fl

Add MX

Now i’ve added the MX with a priority of 20

IN MX 20

Let’s check the DNS

$Domain = ""
$URI = "$Domain&type=MX"
$json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI

Connectivity Analyzer

First test the Inbound SMTP Email

Now let’s check the DNSSEC and DANE Validation Test

The TLSA Record is still missing for the *

Enable DANE SMTP Inbound

Now let’s enable DANE for SMTP Inbound

Get-SmtpDaneInboundStatus -DomainName
Enable-SmtpDaneInbound -DomainName
Get-SmtpDaneInboundStatus -DomainName

It takes between 15 and 30 Minutes until the TLSA Record is provisioned

Now we can remove the old MX Record

Let’s check the TLSA Record

$TLSAQuery = ""
$json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$TLSAQuery&type=TLSA"

Add DMARC and TLSRPT Records

Add the DMARC and TLSRPT Records

MTA-STS Policy

Set the MTA-STS Policy back to enforced


I’ve added the Domain to my Dmarcadvisor Account and after a day it looked like this.

Even i had send some Mails from and to that Domain, no DMARC Reports have arrived so far

No TLSRPT Data has been received.


I’ve waited a long time to implement DANE in Exchange Online. The Process is fairly easy and the Tools supporting you are quite helpful. How’s your DANE journey going? If your Domain does not support DNSSEC, have you implemented MTA-STS?

Andres Bohren

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