MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 6.9.0 released

MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 6.9.0 released

Hi All,

Yesterday, Microsoft has released the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 6.9.0 to the PowerShell Gallery.

PowerShell Gallery MicrosoftTeams 6.9.0

Read more details in the Release Notes

  • Adds FileContent parameter to New-CsOnlineDirectRoutingTelephoneNumberUploadOrder cmdlet.
  • Adds FileContent parameter to New-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberReleaseOrder cmdlet.
  • Adds EnqueueReason output attribute to Get-CsMeetingMigrationStatus cmdlet.
  • Fixes the AllowedTrialTenantDomains data type, for the Set-CsTenantFederationConfiguration cmdlet. Now it will match the public documentation examples.
  • Fixes issues with the ForceAccept parameter in the Set-CsOnlineEnhancedEmergencyServiceDisclaimer cmdlet.
  • Adds TelephoneNumbers output attribute to Get-CsOnlineUser cmdlet. This is currently supported only in commercial environments.
  • Adds expand parameter to the Get-AllM365TeamsApp cmdlet.
  • Adds Properties parameter to Get-CsOnlineUser cmdlet.

I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.

Check installed Module and what’s available in the PowerShell Gallery

Get-InstalledPSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope CurrentUser
Find-PSResource MicrosoftTeams

Uninstall the old Module and install the newest Module

Uninstall-PSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope CurrentUser

I’ve updated the M365PSProfile PowerShell Module and the Uninstall-M365Module Function with the Parameter -FileMode. It will delete the Module Folder of that Module.

Uninstall-M365Module MicrosoftTeams -Scope CurrentUser -FileMode

Install-PSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope CurrentUser
Get-InstalledPSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope CurrentUser

Some basic testing

Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity | fl *Ent*,*host*,*voice*, *line*

Or you can simply use my M365PSProfile Module - find the Documentation here:

Install-PSResource -Name M365PSProfile
Uninstall-M365Module MicrosoftTeams -Scope CurrentUser -FileMode

Andres Bohren

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