Hi All,
Yesterday Microsoft has released the Version 2.12.0 of Microsoft.Graph and Microsoft.Graph.Beta Modules.
PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph 2.12.0 PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph.Beta 2.12.0 Read more in the Release Notes
It’s surprising that in the GitHub Repository there is still no Release visible
I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Show installed Versions and what’s available in PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledPSResource Microsoft.Graph -Scope AllUsers Get-InstalledPSResource Microsoft.Graph.Beta -Scope AllUsers Find-PSResource Microsoft.
Hi All,
A few Weeks ago i did write a Blog Article how to Keep Track of new ServicePlans in M365 Licenses with Azure Automate and Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Modules.
I received a Question, how to add or remove specific Service Plans to a License for a specific User.
Basically there are two methods:
Direct Assigned Licenses Group-based License I wrote a Blog Article on how to add and remove Licenses with Microsoft.
Hi All,
Microsoft Copilot has now arrived on Smartphones and Tablets that includes the newest GPT-4 Model
Google Play Store Microsoft Copilot Apple App Store Microsoft Copilot The following Screenshots have been made on my Android Smartphone.
Open the Google Play Store and install the App
Open the App afer installing
Now you can use Copilot including the GPT-4 Model
You can log in with your Microsoft Account (Entra ID Accounts are not supported)
Hi All,
During the last few Weeks, i have been very busy with my Collegue Fabrice Reiser to build a PowerShell Module that keeps the PowerShell Modules (what we think ist needed) for a M365 Administrator up to date.
PowerShell Gallery M365PSProfile 0.3.0 Documentation and Code at GitHub Our Goals where:
Simple One-Liner in the PowerShell Profile No Admin Rights required -> Installation in the “CurrentUser” Scope Fast and configurable -> Predefined Modules or can be defined by yourself Support for PowerShell 5 and 7 (Install in CurrentUser Scope) Parameter for Modules that should be installed and updated Use the Microsoft.
Hi All,
Recently i have stumbled across the following Article on how to extend the M365 Profile card with custom Entra ID Attributeds
Add or remove custom attributes on a profile card using the profile card API
You can only use the following Attributes
UserPrincipalName Fax StreetAddress PostalCode StateOrProvince Alias and
customAttribute1 customAttribute2 customAttribute3 customAttribute4 customAttribute5 customAttribute6 customAttribute7 customAttribute8 customAttribute9 customAttribute10 customAttribute11 customAttribute12 customAttribute13 customAttribute14 customAttribute15 In Graph Explorer we can check the current Profile Card Properties
Hi All,
I noticed today, that Microsoft has released the Version 2.11.1 of Microsoft.Graph and Microsoft.Graph.Beta Modules.
PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph 2.11.1 PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph.Beta 2.11.1 Read more in the Release Notes
Fixes double encoding bug in Invoke-MgGraphRequest I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Show installed Versions and what’s available in PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledPSResource Microsoft.Graph -Scope AllUsers Get-InstalledPSResource Microsoft.Graph.Beta -Scope AllUsers Find-PSResource Microsoft.Graph Find-PSResource Microsoft.Graph.Beta Uninstalling the old Microsoft.
Hi All,
Yesterday Microsoft has released the Version 2.11.0 of Microsoft.Graph and Microsoft.Graph.Beta Modules.
PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph 2.11.0 PowerShell Gallery Microsoft.Graph.Beta 2.11.0 Read more in the Release Notes
It’s surprising that in the GitHub Repository there is still no Release visible
I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Show installed Versions and what’s available in PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledPSResource Microsoft.Graph -Scope AllUsers Get-InstalledPSResource Microsoft.Graph.Beta -Scope AllUsers Find-PSResource Microsoft.
Hi All,
A few days ago Microsoft has released Microsoft Graph CLI v1.0.0 as GA
Blog Microsoft Graph CLI v1.0.0 is now generally available Downloads
Windows: https://aka.ms/get/graphcli/latest/win-x64.zip Linux: https://aka.ms/get/graphcli/latest/linux-x64.zip macOS xarm64: https://aka.ms/get/graphcli/latest/osx-arm64.zip macOS x64: https://aka.ms/get/graphcli/latest/osx-x64.zip The Download is a ZIP File that contains the mgc.exe
I’ve extracted the mgc.exe to C:\GraphCLI
.\mgc.exe login You need to open the device Login Page in the Browser and add the Code from the Promt
Hi All,
During the last couple Months, there have been several M365 Licenses added and activated for all Users. For Example:
Avatars for Teams Copilot (formerly known as Bing Chat Enterprise) Clipchamp I was thinking about, how to Monitor the Licenses in the Tenant for new ServicePlans associated to the Licences.
So i decided to add the ServicePlans to the Script i’ve already had
#Connect-MgGraph Write-Output "Connect-MgGraph" Connect-MgGraph -Scopes User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.
Hi All,
Yesterday Microsoft has released a new Version of the WhiteboardAdmin PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery.
PowerShell Gallery WhiteboardAdmin 1.11.1 Release Notes:
Internal fixes to improve performance and reliability I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Check what Version of the Module is installed and what is available from the PowerShell Gallery.
Get-InstalledPSResource WhiteboardAdmin -Scope AllUsers Find-PSResource WhiteboardAdmin Uninstall the old Version and install the new Version