Hi All,
Just a few Hours ago, a new Version of MSIdentity Tools has been released.
MSIdentityTools 2.0.26 Uninstall the old version of the PowerShell Module and install the newest one
Get-InstalledModule MSIdentityTools Find-Module MSIdentityTools Uninstall-Module MSIdentityTools Install-Module MSIdentityTools Get-InstalledModule MSIdentityTools To see what commands are available use the following command
Get-Command -Module MSIdentityTools Regards
Andres Bohren
Hi All,
In Microsoft Teams the Holidays have always been a bit Tricky.
You can create Holidays direct in Teams Admin Center under Voice > Holidays or during the Creation or Modification of a Autoattendant.
The Problem is that you create the Holidays and these are mostly set up to a specific Year. Next year you have to redo the Holidays and go through all Autoattendants to see if they are still linked.
Hi All,
Some hours ago, Microsoft has released a new Version of the Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery.
Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell 16.0.23109.12000 Check what Module Version is installed and what’s available from the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Find-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Uninstall the old Module and install the new Version
Uninstall-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Install-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Regards
Andres Bohren
Hi All,
In this Blog Post i explain how to Create and Depoly a PowerShell 7 Runbook for Azure Automation with the AZ PowerShell Module.
#Connect to Azure Connect-AzAccount #Get Automation Account Get-AzAutomationAccount I have two Azure Automation Accounts. In this Example, we use the second one.
############################################################################### # Create Runbook ############################################################################### $accountName = "icewolfautomation" $rgName = "RG_DEV" $location = "West Europe" $RunbookName = "DemoPS7" $scriptContent = @' #Connect to Exchange with Managed Identity $tenant = "icewolfch.
Hi All,
As you might already know, i am a big Fan of Azure Automation. Recently i have used “Managed Identity with Exchange Online on Azure Automation”.
Yesterday there was a Release of “Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Module 1.17.0” and the Question of how to update the PowerShell Modules on Azure Automate arises once again.
Basically i’ve covered that already in a Blog Post earlyer this Year “Update Modules on Azure Automation with AZ PowerShell”.
Hi All,
Microsoft has released the AZ 9.1.1 PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery just a few Hours ago.
Az 9.1.1 Show Installed AZ Module and what’s available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule AZ -AllVersions Find-Module AZ To uninstall all the old Modules and install the new Modules i have written a PowerShell Script that is published at my GitHub Repo.
#Run Script directly from GitHub $ScriptFromGitHub = Invoke-WebRequest "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BohrenAn/GitHub\_PowerShellScripts/main/Azure/Cleanup-AZModules.ps1" Invoke-Expression $($ScriptFromGitHub.
Hi All,
A few hours ago, Microsoft has released a new Version of the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Module.
Apparently it covers the latest API version and Help as well as some minor fixes.
Microsoft.Graph 1.17.0
Release Notes
Let’s check the installed Version and what’s available on the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph Find-Module Microsoft.Graph To install the newest Version of the PowerShell Modules and also uninstalling the old Versions, you can use my GitHub Script.
Hi All,
I have already blogged about the Exchange 2019 Recipient Managemen PowerShell that can Manage Echange Objects without an Exchange Server running.
Install and use Exchange 2019 CU12 Recipient Management PowerShell For Identity and Access Management Systems (IAM) provisioning, management and deprovisioning based in the past on crating a Remote PowerShell to Exchange Server. How do you Address this with the new Recipient Management?
In Fact there are two Solutions:
Hi All,
Today Microsoft has released the ExchangeOnlineManagement-Preview1 PowerShell Module.
ExchangeOnlineManagement 3.0.1-Preview1 Whats new in this release - v3.0.1-Preview1:
Bug fixes in Connect-ExchangeOnline.
Bug fix in Connect-IPPSSession for connecting to Security and Compliance PowerShell using Certificate Thumbprint.
Mitigation for the known vulnerability in Newtonsoft.Json library. More details here: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-5crp-9r3c-p9vr
Check what Version is installed and what’s available from the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule ExchangeOnlineManagement Find-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -AllowPrerelease Uninstall the old Module and install the Preview Module
Hi All,
Today Microsoft has released a new Version of the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery.
MicrosoftTeams 4.9.1 Check installed Module and what’s available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule MicrosoftTeams -AllVersions Find-Module MicrosoftTeams Uninstall the old Module and install the newest Module
Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Install-Module MicrosoftTeams Testing
Connect-MicrosoftTeams Get-Team Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity a.bohren@icewolf.ch | fl *Ent*,*host*,*voice*, *line* Regards
Andres Bohren