Hi All, A few hours ago, Microsoft has released a new Version of the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Module. Apparently it covers the latest API version and some minor fixe Microsoft.Graph 1.14.0
https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Microsoft.Graph/1.14.0 1.14.0 Release Notes
https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-powershell/releases Let's check the installed Version and what's available on the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph Find-Module Microsoft.Graph To install the newest Version of the PowerShell Modules and also uninstalling the old Versions, you can use my GitHub Script.
Hi All, It has been almost a Year since i first wrote a Blog Post about the Exchange Online Quarantine Policy. I've already mentioned there, that the Custom Logo does not show up.
Exchange Online Quarantine Policy
I had several Microsoft Tickets open regarding that Issue as you can see in my Service request history
I did see that there was an Open Issue since August in the M365 Admin Center Service Health .
Hi All, Recently, Microsoft has anounced the retirement of the legacy mail flow rules (also know als Exchange Transport Rules - Short ETR) in classic Admin Center.
You can add new Exchange Transport rules in the Exchange Admin Center with the new User Interface (UI)
These are the Options Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Today i have noticed, that there is a new Version of Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect available. It fixes just a few bugs and is for Download only - no Autoupdate available.
Azure AD Connect: Version release history
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/hybrid/reference-connect-version-history Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect
After Download run the MSI File on your AAD Connect Server.
After the Update you can Check the Version also in the M365 Admin Portal
Hi All, I've seen the Message below in the M365 Message center. I did realize that i did not test that out. So here is the Blog Article about it.
In the Teams Admin Center (TAC) you can configure this Setting under "Meetings" > "Meeting policies" > "Participants & guests" > "Chat in meetings"
Or if you prefer in PowerShell Get-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global | fl MeetingChatEnabledType
To enable Chat exept for Anonymous Users use the following command
Hi All, Yesterday a new Version of PowerShell 7 stable has been released. Today when i started PowerShell, i saw the following Notice on my Screen.
v7.2.7 Release of PowerShell
After the Download i installed the MSI.
As always i added the "Enable PowerShell remoting"
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, A few days ago, Microsoft has anounced the "Quarantine Admin" Role. In the Future you need to be Member of the "Quarantine Admin" Rolegroup to manage the Quarantine.
Manage quarantined messages and files as an admin in EOP
The "Quarantine Administrator" Role is not yet visible in my Tenant.
If you don't want to wait, you can already create a Custom Role like i did here with the "
Hi All, Today, i Jabra Direct bugged me that there is an update available. I am okay with a Message that tells me if there is an update. But why would you inform me every hour? I would not say the Jabra Direct ist that important. Anyway - keeping Software up to date is always a good thing.
Jabra Direct Download
Release notes
Open Jabra Direct > Updates and hit "
Hi All, Today i received an update for my OnePlus 9 Android Smartphone. It includes the Android 2022.09 Security Updates.
OxygenOS 12 C.65 update for OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro[NA ADDED]
After the Install and a reboot it looks like this.
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Less than a Week ago, Microsoft has released AZ PowerShell 9.0.0. Now they have again released a new Version 9.0.1. According to the Release Notes there are some breaking Changes and some newer API Versions included.
Az 9.0.1
Azure PowerShell release notes
Show Installed AZ Module and what's available in the PowerShell Gallery Get-InstalledModule AZ -AllVersions Find-Module AZ
To uninstall all the old Modules and install the new Modules i have written a PowerShell Script that is published at my GitHub Repo.