The year in review and Blogstatistic 2022

Hi All,

Happy new Year to everybody! Thank’s for reading my Blog and following me on Twitter and Linkedin.

It’s always good to review the past Year. In 2022 i did write 285 Blog Articles, that results in average 24 per Month. That’s one more than last year and the highest ever archieved since i started this Blog back in 2007.

In total i had over 120'000 Pageviews

Over 100'000 Unique User from around the World

Top 15 Blog Articles in 2022:

Hobbys and Traveling:

  • Last year i made about 1'200 KM on the Bike. Made a two day Trip on the Bike with a friend from Stein am Rhein to Basel (150 KM).
  • Scuba Diving is another Hobby and i was lucky to fly to Curacao and made 15 wonderful Dives there.
  • Took a swim in the beautiful Aare at almost 24 degrees
  • Had the opportunity and visited, Amsterdam, Frankfurt am Main and Karlsruhe.
  • I visited Barcelona and we celebrated the BeachBootCamp with my Employeer isolutions.
  • In December i could join the Microsoft 365 Conference in Las Vegas


  • In my role as Cloud Architect i was helping many Enterprise Customers with Office 365 and Azure.
  • Improved our Exchange Online Migration Toolkit with OAuth Authentication, EWS Fixes, PowerBI Adoptions.
  • Planned and executed Mailbox Migrations for over 20'000 Mailboxes - for diffrent Customers including one that has Worldwide Offices.
  • Published a ton of Scripts for the Community at my GitHub Repo.
  • I’ve updated my PowerShell Module for EOP Spam Analysis
  • Created a brand new PowerShell Module for Exchange MAPI Permissions
  • Published a Script for Reviewing Settings related to Mailsecurity

Certifications in 2022:

Hope you enjoy the Blog also in the Future.

Best Regards
Andres Bohren