MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 5.7.0 released as GA

Hi All,
Just a few Hours ago, Microsoft has released the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 5.7.0 to the PowerShell Gallery.
PowerShell Gallery MicrosoftTeams 5.7.0
Read more details in the Release Notes
I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Check installed Module and what’s available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledPSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope AllUsers
Find-PSResource MicrosoftTeams
Uninstall the old Module and install the newest Module
Uninstall-PSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope AllUsers
Install-PSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope AllUsers
Get-InstalledPSResource MicrosoftTeams -Scope AllUsers
Some basic testing
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity | fl *Ent*,*host*,*voice*, *line*
New or updated Commandlets
Fixes Get-CsTenantDialPlan cmdlet to return correct format of dial plan policy.
Fixes the error in Sync-CsOnlineApplicationInstance output.
Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance | ft ApplicationId,DisplayName,ObjectId
Sync-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -ObjectId f41fc08c-b9f8-40ca-ae86-a9dbdcb2fd01 -ApplicationId 11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07
Adds CreateCustomEmojis and DeleteCustomEmojis parameters to New|Set-CsTeamsMessagingPolicy
Get-CsTeamsMessagingPolicy -Identity Global
Adds ParticipantNameChange and AutoRecording parameters to [New|Set]-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy.
Get-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global
Andres Bohren