Hi All,
For my Exchange Server Lab i have some Machines running in Azure. Recently i have added some OnPrem Servers with Azure Arc. Now these Machines need updates and i figured out i should test Azure Update Manager for that.
Pricing Azure Update Manager Check for updates I have opened Azure Update Manager in the Azure Portal and selected “Check for updates”
Now i can select the Machines i want to examine
Hi All,
I use several PowerShell Runbooks on a Azure Automation Account. That includes Maniuplation in Sharepoint, EntraId, Teams and Exchange Online. For Exchange Online, Teams and EntraID you can use Managed Identity.
In this Article, i will show you how to run an Azure Runbook from an Azure Automation Account on a Azure Arc Enabled Server.
From the Documentation it looks pretty easy
Deploy an extension-based Windows or Linux User Hybrid Runbook Worker in Azure Automation Azure Automation Agent-based User Hybrid Runbook Worker (Windows and Linux) will retire on 31 August 2024 and wouldn’t be supported after that date.
Hi All,
A few Weeks ago, i have installed Window Server 2025 Insider build.
It is shipped with a prominent Wizard to Connect the Server with Azure Arc. So i decided to give it a try.
Azure Arc pricing
MS Learn Overview of Azure Connected Machine agent Azure ARC Setup The Insider Preview comes with a Wizard to setup Azure Arc. This indicates that the OnPrem Servers are more and more connected to the Cloud this will be the future of Hybrid Server Management.
Hi All,
Today i’ve seen the notification, that Azure Storage Explorer 1.33.0 has been released.
GitHub Release v1.33.0 Installation
Everything went smooth
Updated Azure Storage Explorer
Details from About
Andres Bohren
Azure Logo
Hi All,
Yesterday, a new major Version of the AZ (Azure) PowerShell Module has been released to PowerShell Gallery.
PowerShell Gallery Az 11.4.0 The Release Notes shows an impressive List of Updates
I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Show installed Versions and what’s available in PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledPSResource AZ -Scope AllUsers Find-PSResource AZ Uninstall the old Modules and install the current Modules
Uninstall-PSResource AZ -Scope AllUsers Uninstall-PSResource AZ.
Hi All,
I’ve installed Windows Admin Center on the Insider Preview of Windows Server 2025.
One interesting Option was “Azure hybrid center” > “Register your Windows Admin Center gateway”
You have to Authenticate with a Device code
If you want to Register a new Application you need to have the “Application Administrator” or “Global Administrator” Role when authenticate with the Device Code Flow.
Connect was successful
App Consent
Et voila, it has been done.
Hi All,
Recently i did run a cost analysis on my Azure Subscription.
I’ve added a Budget
Microsoft Learn Tutorial: Create and manage budgets I was pretty sure - i had already set up a Azure Budget before on that particular Subscription. By default the Budget only lasts for two years and can be extended up to 10 Years.
Now you can set up Alerts. I’ve created 80% and 90% Alerts.
Hi All,
Yesterday, a new major Version of the AZ (Azure) PowerShell Module has been released to PowerShell Gallery.
PowerShell Gallery Az 11.3.1 The Release Notes have not been updated yet
I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Show installed Versions and what’s available in PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledPSResource AZ -Scope AllUsers Find-PSResource AZ Uninstall the old Modules and install the current Modules
Uninstall-PSResource AZ -Scope AllUsers Uninstall-PSResource AZ.
Hi All,
Yesterday, a new major Version of the AZ (Azure) PowerShell Module has been released to PowerShell Gallery.
PowerShell Gallery Az 11.3.0 A lot of news in the Release Notes
Release Notes I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands.
Show installed Versions and what’s available in PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledPSResource AZ -Scope AllUsers Find-PSResource AZ Uninstall the old Modules and install the current Modules
Uninstall-PSResource AZ -Scope AllUsers Uninstall-PSResource AZ.
Hi All,
A few days ago, i opened up my Runbooks on Azure Automation Account. It tells you that PowerShell 7.1 and Phyton 2.7 are no longer supportet and provides you with a Link
Update runbook from PowerShell 5.1 to PowerShell 7.2 Until now the AZ PowerShell did not support the Management of PowerShell 7.x Modules you had to use some tricks like i documented here
How to Manage PowerShell 5 and 7 Modules on Azure Automation With the latest AZ 11.