Hi All,
Do you know that there is a Feedback Policy in Microsoft Teams?
Manage feedback policies in Microsoft Teams Connect-MicrosoftTeams Get-CsTeamsFeedbackPolicy Let’s enable FeatureSuggestions on the Global Policy
Set-CsTeamsFeedbackPolicy -Identity Global -EnableFeatureSuggestions $True Get-CsTeamsFeedbackPolicy Let’s see all the Policies for my User. Teams Feedback Policy is blank - that means that the Global Policy will be applied
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity a.bohren@icewolf.ch | fl *pol* You can’t see that Policy in Teams Admin Center (TAC)
Hi All,
Ever needed to Block a Telephone Number in Microsoft Teams Enterprise Voice. Here is how that can be done.
Block inbound calls Get-CsInboundBlockedNumberPattern New-CsInboundBlockedNumberPattern -Name "BlockMobile-01" -Enabled $True -Description "BlockMobile-01" -Pattern "^\+?41796937148$" Be aware, that it could take up to 24 Hours until that Number is blocked.
Then the Caller will hear only a busy Signal
Get-CsInboundBlockedNumberPattern You can Test your pattern Matching with the following Commandlet
Test-CsInboundBlockedNumberPattern -PhoneNumber +41796937148 Test-CsInboundBlockedNumberPattern -PhoneNumber 0796937148 Test-CsInboundBlockedNumberPattern -PhoneNumber 796937148 Remove-CsInboundBlockedNumberPattern -Identity BlockMobile-01 Get-CsInboundBlockedNumberPattern Regards
Hi All,
In Microsoft Teams the Holidays have always been a bit Tricky.
You can create Holidays direct in Teams Admin Center under Voice > Holidays or during the Creation or Modification of a Autoattendant.
The Problem is that you create the Holidays and these are mostly set up to a specific Year. Next year you have to redo the Holidays and go through all Autoattendants to see if they are still linked.
Hi All,
Today Microsoft has released a new Version of the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery.
MicrosoftTeams 4.9.1 Check installed Module and what’s available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule MicrosoftTeams -AllVersions Find-Module MicrosoftTeams Uninstall the old Module and install the newest Module
Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Install-Module MicrosoftTeams Testing
Connect-MicrosoftTeams Get-Team Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity a.bohren@icewolf.ch | fl *Ent*,*host*,*voice*, *line* Regards
Andres Bohren
Hi All,
Just a few Hours ago, Microsoft has released the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 4.9.0 to the PowerShell Gallery.
MicrosoftTeams 4.9.0 Microsoft Teams PowerShell Release Notes Check installed Module and what’s available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule MicrosoftTeams -AllVersions Find-Module MicrosoftTeams As i have two Modules installed i have to uninstall both and then install the current Version of the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module
Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Install-Module MicrosoftTeams Testing
Hi All, I've seen the Message below in the M365 Message center. I did realize that i did not test that out. So here is the Blog Article about it.
In the Teams Admin Center (TAC) you can configure this Setting under "Meetings" > "Meeting policies" > "Participants & guests" > "Chat in meetings"
Or if you prefer in PowerShell Get-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global | fl MeetingChatEnabledType
To enable Chat exept for Anonymous Users use the following command
Hi All, Just a few hours ago, Microsoft has released the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 4.8.0 to the PowerShell Gallery.
MicrosoftTeams 4.8.0
Microsoft Teams PowerShell Release Notes
Check installed Module and what's available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule MicrosoftTeams -AllVersions Find-Module MicrosoftTeams
As i have two Modules installed i have to uninstall both and then install the current Version of the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module
Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Install-Module MicrosoftTeams Testing
Hi All, This Week i received an Email with the announcement, that a new Version of Busylight is available.
I'v downloaded the ZIP File for Microsoft Teams for Windows
Started the Installation
This only tells me that the Software is already running and needs to be stopped in order to update the Software
Info Dialog that shows the Version
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, A few days ago the Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module 4.7.1-Preview was released. For me a long awaited Feature with Azure AD App Authentication with a Certificate is now partly possible.
MicrosoftTeams 4.7.1-preview
https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/MicrosoftTeams/4.7.1-preview Microsoft Teams PowerShell Release Notes
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/MicrosoftTeams/teams-powershell-release-notes Application-based authentication in Teams PowerShell Module
To install the Preview Side by Side with the 4.7.0 Module you need to add the -Force Parameter
Get-InstalledModule MicrosoftTeams Find-Module MicrosoftTeams -AllowPrerelease Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -AllowPrerelease -Force Get-InstalledModule MicrosoftTeams -AllVersions
Hi All, A few hours ago, Microsoft has released the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 4.7.0 as GA (Generally Available) in the PowerShell Gallery.
MicrosoftTeams 4.7.0
https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/MicrosoftTeams/4.7.0 Release Notes
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/MicrosoftTeams/teams-powershell-release-notes Find the PowerShell Module in the PowerShell Gallery and install it
Find-Module MicrosoftTeams Install-Module MicrosoftTeams Get-InstalledModule MicrosoftTeams Uninstall the old Module and install the new Module Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams Install-Module MicrosoftTeams Get-InstalledModule MicrosoftTeams Testing Connect-MicrosoftTeams Get-Team
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity a.bohren@icewolf.ch | fl *Ent*,*host*,*voice*, *line* Regards Andres Bohren