Hi All, A few Days ago, Microsoft has released PowerShell 7.2.4. Changelog
v7.2.4 Release of PowerShell
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, A few days ago, Microsoft has released a new Version of the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Module.
Find-Module Microsoft.Graph Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
If you have already installed a Version of Microsoft.Graph i recommend to use my CleanupGraphModules.ps1 from my GitHub Repo
Microsoft.Graph 1.9.6
Release Notes https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-powershell/releases
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Yesterday the AZ PowerShell Module 7.5.0 has been released
AZ PowerShell Module 7.5.0
I have used my Cleanup-AZModules.psy from my GitHub Repo to update the Modules
Get-InstalledModule AZ
Get-InstalledModule AZ.*
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Yesterday a new Version of PowerShell 7 has been released by Microsoft.
v7.2.3 Release of PowerShell
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Ever wanted to detect if your PowerShell Script is running in a WindowsTerminal Session? As you can see, the default Font is a bit bigger than in the other PowerShell Windows
Here is some code to detect that if ($env:WT_SESSION) { Write-Host "Windows Terminal detected"
} else {
Write-Host "Windows Terminal not detected"
Windows Terminal
PowerShell 5
PowerShell 7
PowerShell ISE
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Yesterday Microsoft has released a new Version of theyr Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Modules. Just a few days after releasing 1.9.4... I like the fact that they fixed a bug in "user-agent", but maybe it shows somee missing quality control.
Microsoft.Graph 1.9.5
Release notes
Check the installed module and what's published in PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalliedModule Microsoft.Graph Find-Module Microsoft.Graph If you uninstall the Microsoft.Graph Module, you don't uninstall the sub modules Uninstall-Module Microsoft.
Hi All, For a Project i wanted to Extract the M365 License and ServicePlan Guids from the Website below
Product names and service plan identifiers for licensing
The whole Script is published at my GitHub Repo https://github.com/BohrenAn/GitHub_PowerShellScripts/blob/main/AzureAD/ExtractGUIDandLicensesFromWebsite.ps1
Why not using PowerShell for that
$URI = "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/enterprise-users/licensing-service-plan-reference" $WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -URI $URI $WebRequest | get-member
As you can see, with PowerShell 7 the Property "ParsedHtml" is missing. It somehow has a dependency to the local installed Browser.
Hi All, Just a few Hours ago the new Microsoft Azure PowerShell Module AZ 7.4.0 has been released.
Microsoft Azure PowerShell Module Az 7.4.0
To check your installed Module and what Version is available in the PowerShell Gallery you can use the following commands
Get-InstalledModule AZ Find-Module AZ
AZ is just a Wrapper - the Modules have names Az.* Get-InstalledModule AZ.*
I've checked my installed Modules. It's a mess - multiple Versions of the Modules.
Hi All, There has been an update to Plus addressing in Exchange online. Plus adressing will be enabled by default starting from 17. April 2022 If you wish to Opt-Out of Plus Adressing you will need to use this command
Set-OrganizationConfig -DisablePlusAddressInRecipients $true
Plus Addressing in Exchange Online
If you want to check your current Recipients for Plus addresses you can use my Script from GitHub
You can review your Exchange Online Settings in your tenant with the following Command
Hi All, I wanted to check the amount of Commands available in the Microsoft.Graph Powershell Modules
Get-Command -Module Microsoft.Graph* | measure
That seemed a bit much and it turned out, i had multiple Versions of Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Module installed. Here is a Script do remove the Old Modules and install only the newest Version. $Modules = Get-Module Microsoft.Graph* -ListAvailable | Where {$_.Name -ne "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication"} | Select-Object Name -Unique
Foreach ($Module in $Modules)