Entra Verifiable credentials Admin API with PowerShell

Hi All,
I’ve alredy blogged this February about Microsoft Entra Verified ID when it was still in Preview. I’ve also blogged about Entra Verified ID Advanced Setup.
In the following MS Learn Site, you can find more Information about Verified employee / Verified ID
Microsoft Entra Verified ID now generally available since August 2024 it seems, but there is not much Information and Blogs out there, especially for the Verifiable credentials Admin API.
The term “decentralized identity” is used interchangeably with Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), which is an approach to digital identity that gives individuals control of their digital identities.
Learn more here:
- Decentralized Identity (DID)
- Verifiable Credentials (VCs)
- Issuer (iss)
- Subject (sub)
- Claims
- Issuer
- Holder
- Subject
- Verifier
- Registry
Verifiable credentials admin API
I’ve spent some time with the Verifiable credentials admin API
I’ve created an Entra ID App Registration and addet > API Permissions > Add a permission
You need to use “API’s my organization uses” and search vor “Verifiable Credentials Service Admin”
- Verifiable Credentials Service bb2a64ee-5d29-4b07-a491-25806dc854d3
- Verifiable Credentials Service Admin 6a8b4b39-c021-437c-b060-5a14a3fd65f3
- Verifiable Credentials Service Request 3db474bg-6aOc-4840-96ac-1fceb342124f
Delegated permissions
- full_access
For Delegated Permissions you need one of the following Entra Roles
- Global Administrator
- Authentication policy administrator
- Global Reader
Application Permissions
- VerifiableCredential.Authority.Read
- VerifiableCredential.Authority.ReadWrite
- VerifiableCredential.Contract.Read
- VerifiableCredential.Contract.ReadWrite
- VerifiableCredential.Credential.Revoke
- VerifiableCredential.Credential.Search
- VerifiableCredential.Network.Read
Get AccessToken
There are many ways to get an Entra Access Token. I’ve documented here a few using the PSMSALNet PowerShell Module and using JWTDetails to decode the AccessToken.
Delegate Permission WAM
# PSMSALNet (Delegate Permission WAM)
#Install-Module PSMSALNet
#Import-Module PSMSALNet
$TenantId = "46bbad84-29f0-4e03-8d34-f6841a5071ad"
$AppID = "da2e568b-3058-48f5-9684-a0116a86656e" # IcewolfVerifiedCredential
$Certificate = Get-Item "Cert:\CurrentUser\My\A3A07A3C2C109303CCCB011B10141A020C8AFDA3" #O365Powershell4.cer
$CustomResource = "6a8b4b39-c021-437c-b060-5a14a3fd65f3"
$RedirectURI = "ms-appx-web://microsoft.aad.brokerplugin/$AppID"
$Token = Get-EntraToken -WAMFlow -ClientId $AppID -TenantId $TenantId -RedirectUri $RedirectURI -Resource Custom -CustomResource $CustomResource -Permissions "full_access"
$AccessToken = $token.AccessToken
#View AccessToken
Get-JWTDetails -token $AccessToken
Delegated Permission
# PSMSALNet (Delegated Permission)
#Install-Module PSMSALNet
#Import-Module PSMSALNet
$TenantId = "46bbad84-29f0-4e03-8d34-f6841a5071ad"
$AppID = "da2e568b-3058-48f5-9684-a0116a86656e" # IcewolfVerifiedCredential
$CustomResource = "6a8b4b39-c021-437c-b060-5a14a3fd65f3"
$Permissions = @('full_access')
$HashArguments = @{
TenantId = $TenantId
ClientId = $AppID
RedirectUri = 'http://localhost'
Resource = 'Custom'
CustomResource = $CustomResource
Permissions = $Permissions
#Get AccessToken
$Token = Get-EntraToken -PublicAuthorizationCodeFlow @HashArguments
$AccessToken = $token.AccessToken
#View AccessToken
Get-JWTDetails -token $AccessToken
Application Permission with Certificate
# PSMSALNet (Application Permission with Certificate)
#Install-Module PSMSALNet
#Import-Module PSMSALNet
$TenantId = "46bbad84-29f0-4e03-8d34-f6841a5071ad"
$AppID = "da2e568b-3058-48f5-9684-a0116a86656e" # IcewolfVerifiedCredential
$Certificate = Get-Item "Cert:\CurrentUser\My\A3A07A3C2C109303CCCB011B10141A020C8AFDA3" #O365Powershell4.cer
$CustomResource = "6a8b4b39-c021-437c-b060-5a14a3fd65f3"
$HashArguments = @{
TenantId = $TenantId
ClientId = $AppID
ClientCertificate = $Certificate
Resource = 'Custom'
CustomResource = $CustomResource
#Get AccessToken
$Token = Get-EntraToken -ClientCredentialFlowWithCertificate @HashArguments
$AccessToken = $token.AccessToken
#View AccessToken
Get-JWTDetails -token $AccessToken
Native Login with ClientSecret (Application Permission)
# Native Login with ClientSecret (Application Permission)
$ClientSecret = "YourClientSecret"
$TenantId = "46bbad84-29f0-4e03-8d34-f6841a5071ad"
$AppID = "da2e568b-3058-48f5-9684-a0116a86656e" # IcewolfVerifiedCredential
$ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
$URI = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$TenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
#Create Body
$Body = @"
#Get AccessToken
$Token = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Method "Post" -ContentType $ContentType -Body $Body
$AccessToken = $token.access_token
#View AccessToken
Get-JWTDetails -token $AccessToken
Native Login with Certificate (Application Permission)
# Native Login with Certificate (Application Permission)
# https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/346048/how-to-get-access-token-from-client-certificate-ca
$TenantName = "icewolfch.onmicrosoft.com"
$AppId = "da2e568b-3058-48f5-9684-a0116a86656e" # IcewolfVerifiedCredential
#$CertificateThumbprint = "A3A07A3C2C109303CCCB011B10141A020C8AFDA3" #O365Powershell4.cer
$Certificate = Get-Item "Cert:\CurrentUser\My\A3A07A3C2C109303CCCB011B10141A020C8AFDA3" #O365Powershell4.cer
$Scope = "6a8b4b39-c021-437c-b060-5a14a3fd65f3/.default" # Example: "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"
# Create base64 hash of certificate
$CertificateBase64Hash = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($Certificate.GetCertHash())
# Create JWT timestamp for expiration
$StartDate = (Get-Date "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" ).ToUniversalTime()
$JWTExpirationTimeSpan = (New-TimeSpan -Start $StartDate -End (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddMinutes(2)).TotalSeconds
$JWTExpiration = [math]::Round($JWTExpirationTimeSpan,0)
# Create JWT validity start timestamp
$NotBeforeExpirationTimeSpan = (New-TimeSpan -Start $StartDate -End ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime())).TotalSeconds
$NotBefore = [math]::Round($NotBeforeExpirationTimeSpan,0)
# Create JWT header
$JWTHeader = @{
alg = "RS256"
typ = "JWT"
# Use the CertificateBase64Hash and replace/strip to match web encoding of base64
x5t = $CertificateBase64Hash -replace '\+','-' -replace '/','_' -replace '='
# Create JWT payload
$JWTPayLoad = @{
# What endpoint is allowed to use this JWT
aud = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$TenantName/oauth2/token"
# Expiration timestamp
exp = $JWTExpiration
# Issuer = your application
iss = $AppId
# JWT ID: random guid
jti = [guid]::NewGuid()
# Not to be used before
nbf = $NotBefore
# JWT Subject
sub = $AppId
# Convert header and payload to base64
$JWTHeaderToByte = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($JWTHeader | ConvertTo-Json))
$EncodedHeader = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($JWTHeaderToByte)
$JWTPayLoadToByte = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($JWTPayload | ConvertTo-Json))
$EncodedPayload = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($JWTPayLoadToByte)
# Join header and Payload with "." to create a valid (unsigned) JWT
$JWT = $EncodedHeader + "." + $EncodedPayload
# Get the private key object of your certificate
$PrivateKey = ([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.RSACertificateExtensions]::GetRSAPrivateKey($Certificate))
# Define RSA signature and hashing algorithm
$RSAPadding = [Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1
$HashAlgorithm = [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName]::SHA256
# Create a signature of the JWT
$Signature = [Convert]::ToBase64String(
) -replace '\+','-' -replace '/','_' -replace '='
# Join the signature to the JWT with "."
$JWT = $JWT + "." + $Signature
# Create a hash with body parameters
$Body = @{
client_id = $AppId
client_assertion = $JWT
client_assertion_type = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer"
scope = $Scope
grant_type = "client_credentials"
$Url = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$TenantName/oauth2/v2.0/token"
# Use the self-generated JWT as Authorization
$Header = @{
Authorization = "Bearer $JWT"
# Splat the parameters for Invoke-Restmethod for cleaner code
$PostSplat = @{
ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
Method = 'POST'
Body = $Body
Uri = $Url
Headers = $Header
$Token = Invoke-RestMethod @PostSplat
$AccessToken = $Token.access_token
#View AccessToken
Get-JWTDetails -token $AccessToken
Onboarding just returns you the ObjectId’s of the Service Principals.
46bbad84-29f0-4e03-8d34-f6841a5071ad is just my TenantId.
#Onboarding - Works only with delegated Authentication
#POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/onboard
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/onboard"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "POST"
Entra > Enterprise Applications > Application type == Microsoft Applications > Verifiable credentials
List Authorities - nothing setup yet, therefore nothing is returned
#List Authorities
#GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$Json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers
Let’s create an Authority. You need to use Delegated Credentials (with Global Admin) and Access to your Azure Key Vault.
#Create authority - Only works with Delegated Credentials
#POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$ContentType = "application/json"
$SubscriptionID = "1e467fc0-3227-4628-a048-fc5ef79bff93"
$ResourceGroup = "RG_VerifiableCredentials"
$ResourceName = "DemoAuthorityKeyVault"
#with keVaultMetaData
$Body = @"
"name": "Icewolf Authority",
"linkedDomainUrl": "https://icewolf.ch",
"didMethod": "web",
"template": {
"type": "VerifiedEmployee"
"keyVaultMetadata": {
"subscriptionId": "$SubscriptionID",
"resourceGroup": "$ResourceGroup",
"resourceName": "$ResourceName",
"resourceUrl": "https://$ResourceName.vault.azure.net/"
#Create Authority
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Body $Body -Headers $Headers -Method "POST" -ContentType $ContentType
#You still need to Register Decentralized ID (DID)
#You still need to upload DID Configuration JSON
Now let’s get the did.json
#Generate DID document
#POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/generateDidDocument
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/generateDidDocument"
$ContentType = "application/json"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "POST" -ContentType $ContentType
Now let’s get the did-configuration.json
#Well-known DID configuration
#POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/generateWellknownDidConfiguration
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/generateWellknownDidConfiguration"
$ContentType = "application/json"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "POST" -ContentType $ContentType
I am using an Azure App Service to host the Webiste. Hat do extend the web.config with the MIME Type.
<remove fileExtension=".json"/>
<mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json"/>
Now you need to upload the two files. After that we can verify the Configuration.
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://icewolf.ch/.well-known/did.json" -Method "GET").Content
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://icewolf.ch/.well-known/did-configuration.json" -Method "GET").Content
Verify the DID Configuration
#Validate well-known DID configuration
#POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/validateWellKnownDidConfiguration
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/validateWellKnownDidConfiguration"
$ContentType = "application/json"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$Body = ""
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Body $Body -Headers $Headers -Method "POST"
It should look like this
Get authority
#Get authority
#GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$Json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers
Let’s update the Name of the authority
#Update authority - Works only with delegated Authentication
#PATCH /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$ContentType = "application/json"
$body = @"
"name":"Icewolf Authority DEMO"
#Update Authority
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Body $Body -Headers $Headers -Method "PATCH" -ContentType $ContentType
As you can see the Organization Name has been updated
Delete Authority. Note that this uses the BETA Endpoint.
Caution this will also delete all of your contracts and credentials!
#Delete authority > Works only with delegated Permission
#DELETE /beta/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/beta/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId"
$ContentType = "application/json"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
#Delete authority
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "DELETE" -ContentType $ContentType
I was able to rotate the signin key. And download updated did.json and did-configuration.json. After uploading them to the Website i was never able to validate the DID Configuration afterwards
#Rotate signing key > Caution! Was not able to validate did.json afterwards
#POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/didInfo/signingKeys/rotate
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/didInfo/signingKeys/rotate"
$ContentType = "application/json"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "POST"
#You need to update DID JSON and DID Configuration
#Could not validate did.json afterwards
List the Contracts - nothing configured yet, therefore it returns nothing
#List contracts
#GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/contracts
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/contracts"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$Json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers
Here is how i configured my Display Settings (Card style)
Logo URL: https://icewolf.ch/images/icewolf_ch.png
Text color: #000000
Background color: #FFFFFF
If you wondering about the “validityInterval” set to 15552000 when you creating a contract in the section below
New-TimeSpan -Seconds 15552000
Let’s create a “Verified Employee” Contract
#Create contract (Verified Employee)
#POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/contracts
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/contracts"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$ContentType = "application/json"
$Body = @"
"name": "ExampleContractName1",
"rules": "<rules JSON>",
"displays": [{<display JSON}],
$Body = @"
"name": "Verified employee",
"status": "Enabled",
"issueNotificationEnabled": false,
"issueNotificationAllowedToGroupOids": [],
"availableInVcDirectory": true,
"rules": {
"attestations": {
"accessTokens": [
"mapping": [
"outputClaim": "displayName",
"required": true,
"inputClaim": "displayName",
"indexed": false
"outputClaim": "givenName",
"required": false,
"inputClaim": "givenName",
"indexed": false
"outputClaim": "jobTitle",
"required": false,
"inputClaim": "jobTitle",
"indexed": false
"outputClaim": "preferredLanguage",
"required": false,
"inputClaim": "preferredLanguage",
"indexed": false
"outputClaim": "surname",
"required": false,
"inputClaim": "surname",
"indexed": false
"outputClaim": "mail",
"required": false,
"inputClaim": "mail",
"indexed": false
"outputClaim": "revocationId",
"required": true,
"inputClaim": "userPrincipalName",
"indexed": true
"outputClaim": "photo",
"required": false,
"inputClaim": "photo",
"indexed": false
"required": true
"validityInterval": 15552000,
"vc": {
"type": [
"displays": [
"locale": "en-US",
"card": {
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"description": "This verifiable credential is issued to all members of the Icewolf Authority org.",
"issuedBy": "Icewolf Authority",
"textColor": "#000000",
"title": "Verified Employee",
"logo": {
"description": "Default verified employee logo",
"uri": "https://icewolf.ch/images/icewolf_ch.png"
"consent": {
"instructions": "Verify your identity and workplace the easy way. Add this ID for online and in-person use.",
"title": "Do you want to accept the verified employee credential from Icewolf Authority."
"claims": [
"claim": "vc.credentialSubject.givenName",
"label": "Name",
"type": "String"
"claim": "vc.credentialSubject.surname",
"label": "Surname",
"type": "String"
"claim": "vc.credentialSubject.mail",
"label": "Email",
"type": "String"
"claim": "vc.credentialSubject.jobTitle",
"label": "Job title",
"type": "String"
"claim": "vc.credentialSubject.photo",
"label": "User picture",
"type": "image/jpg;base64url"
"claim": "vc.credentialSubject.displayName",
"label": "Display name",
"type": "String"
"claim": "vc.credentialSubject.preferredLanguage",
"label": "Preferred language",
"type": "String"
"claim": "vc.credentialSubject.revocationId",
"label": "Revocation id",
"type": "String"
"allowOverrideValidityIntervalOnIssuance": false
#Create Contract
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "POST" -Body $Body -ContentType $ContentType
Contract has been created
Let’s create a Custom Contract
#Create contract (Custom Contract)
#POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/contracts
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/contracts"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$ContentType = "application/json"
$Body = @"
"name": "Example Contract",
"rules": {
"attestations": {
"idTokenHints": [
"mapping": [
"outputClaim": "firstName",
"required": false,
"inputClaim": "given_name",
"indexed": false
"outputClaim": "lastName",
"required": false,
"inputClaim": "family_name",
"indexed": false
"required": false
"validityInterval": 2592000,
"vc": {
"type": [
"displays": [
"locale": "en-US",
"card": {
"title": "Verified Credential Expert",
"issuedBy": "Icewolf Authority DEMO",
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"textColor": "#ffffff",
"logo": {
"uri": "https://icewolf.ch/images/icewolf_ch.png",
"description": "Icewolf Logo"
"description": "My Description"
"consent": {
"title": "Do you want to accept the Verified Credential Expert VC from Icewolf Authority",
"instructions": "Verify your Verified Credential Expert. Add this ID for online and in-person use"
"claims": [
"claim": "vc.credentialSubject.firstName",
"label": "Name",
"type": "String"
"claim": "vc.credentialSubject.lastName",
"label": "Surname",
"type": "String"
#Create Contract
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "POST" -Body $Body -ContentType $ContentType
Get the Contract
#Get contract
#GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/contracts/<contractid>
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$ContractId = "29f089ae-b40c-3d39-04b8-f1e73b23b46e"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/contracts/$ContractId"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$Json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "GET"
#$Request = Invoke-WebRequest -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "GET"
Enable through MyAccount
#Enable through MyAccount - Only with Delegated Credential
#POST https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/organizationSettings/myAccount
$ContractId = "29f089ae-b40c-3d39-04b8-f1e73b23b46e"
$URI = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/organizationSettings/myAccount"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$ContentType = "application/json"
#Enable through MyAccount
$Body = @"
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "POST" -Body $Body -ContentType $ContentType
#Disable through MyAccount
$Body = @"
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "POST" -Body $Body -ContentType $ContentType
It looks like this in the Entra Portal > Verified ID > Credentials
Update Contract did not work
#Update contract - did not work
#PATCH /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/contracts/<contractid>
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$ContractId = "ef2fb8d8-95eb-6c3a-55e0-8400157d7d32" #ExampleContract
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/contracts/$ContractId"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$ContentType = "application/json"
$Body = @"
"issueNotificationAllowedToGroupOids": [
#Update contract
$Json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "PATCH" -Body $Body -ContentType $ContentType
Delete Contract - as you can see we’re using the BETA endpoint here.
#Delete Contract (BETA)
#PATCH /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/contracts/<contractid>
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$ContractId = "29f089ae-b40c-3d39-04b8-f1e73b23b46e"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/beta/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/contracts/$ContractId"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "DELETE"
Search credential:
- The Claim Value is case-sensitive.
- The ContractId and the Claim Value are combined: 29f089ae-b40c-3d39-04b8-f1e73b23b46ea.bohren@icewolf.ch
- The combined string is converted to a Bytearray
- The ByteArray is hashed with SHA256
- The SHA256 Hash is Base64 Encoded
- The Base64 Encoded Value will be URLEncoded
- Now you can search for the Credential
#Search Credential
#GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/contracts/<contractId>/credentials?filter=indexclaimhash eq {hashedsearchclaimvalue}
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$ContractId = "29f089ae-b40c-3d39-04b8-f1e73b23b46e"
$claimvalue = ("A.Bohren@icewolf.ch").ToLower()
# Create Input Data
$sha256 = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256]::Create()
$strInput = "$contractid$claimvalue"
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
$enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$InputBytes = $enc.GetBytes($strInput)
$Base64String = [Convert]::ToBase64String($sha256.ComputeHash($InputBytes))
$hashedsearchclaimvalue = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($Base64String)
#Create Query
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/contracts/$ContractId/credentials?filter=indexclaimhash eq $hashedsearchclaimvalue"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Method "GET"
We get the CredentialId that looks somethin like this: urn:pic:<NumbersAndCharacters> and see the Status and issueing Timestamp
We can now get the Credential and will also see the Status and issueing Timestamp
#Get Credential
#GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/contracts/<contractId>/credentials/<credentialId>
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$ContractId = "29f089ae-b40c-3d39-04b8-f1e73b23b46e"
$CredentialId = "urn:pic:00e59840d54044b59ef7902c40201626"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/contracts/$ContractId/credentials/$CredentialId"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers
You can Revoke the Credential with the Credential ID
#Revoke Credential
#POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/<authorityId>/contracts/<contractId>/credentials/<credentialid>/revoke
$AuthorityId = "824776a0-935b-8caf-d74e-a41b60786dec"
$ContractId = "29f089ae-b40c-3d39-04b8-f1e73b23b46e"
$CredentialId = "urn:pic:00e59840d54044b59ef7902c40201626"
$ContentType = "application/json"
$BaseURL = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com"
$APIURL = "/v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/$AuthorityId/contracts/$ContractId/credentials/$CredentialId/revoke"
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "+ $AccessToken}
$Body = ""
Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body -Method "POST" -ContentType $ContentType
It is now revoked
While playing around i found that under the Manifest URL you can find a Token
#Manifest URL is JWT Encoded Information
# GET https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com/v1.0/tenants/<TenantId>/verifiableCredentials/contracts/<ContractId>/manifest
#$TenantId = "46bbad84-29f0-4e03-8d34-f6841a5071ad"
#Use OIDC to get TenantId
$Domain = "icewolf.ch"
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing https://login.windows.net/$($Domain)/.well-known/openid-configuration -TimeoutSec 1
$TenantId = ($Response | ConvertFrom-Json).token_endpoint.Split('/')[3]
$ContractId = "29f089ae-b40c-3d39-04b8-f1e73b23b46e"
$ManifestUrl = "https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com/v1.0/tenants/$TenantId/verifiableCredentials/contracts/$ContractId/manifest"
$Json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $ManifestURL -Method "GET"
$Accesstoken = $Json.token
#View AccessToken
Get-JWTDetails -token $AccessToken
As i’ve spent many Hours exploring the Verifiable credentials admin API this is what i’ve learned
- Watch out for JSON Errors - check with jsonlint
- JSON differs between lower- and uppercase
- Examples are very badly documented - did a lot of Reverse Engineering and use Browser Development Tools
- If you get “WID” Errors, try with Delegated Authentication
- Was not able to get these things running
- Rotate Key > could not Verify did.json
- Update Contract
- There is no List of all Credentials - How can you tell what Credentials you issued?
Andres Bohren