
Manage M365 DNS Records with PowerShell

Manage M365 DNS Records with PowerShell

Andres Bohren
Hi All, I guess all M365 Admins know how to Manage the M365 Domains in Admin Portal Did you know that you can also manage them via Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Modules? You need to connect with the Scope “Domain.Read.All” or “Domain.ReadWrite.All” MS Learn domain resource type Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Domain.Read.All Admin consent List Domains in M365 Tenant Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement Get-MgDomain List Service Configuration DNS Records for a specific Domain Get-MgDomainServiceConfigurationRecord -DomainId List details of the MX Record
April 2024 Exchange Server Hotfix Updates

April 2024 Exchange Server Hotfix Updates

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Just a few Hours ago, the Exchange Team has released the long awaitet fix for the March 2024 Exchange Server Security Updates. Anouncement on Exchange Team Blog Released: April 2024 Exchange Server Hotfix Updates Alongside with that came also some new Features Support for ECC certificates in Exchange 2016 and 2019 Hybrid Modern Authentication (HMA) for OWA/ECP Downloads Security Update For Exchange Server 2019 CU13 SU5 (KB5036402) Security Update For Exchange Server 2019 CU14 SU1 (KB5036401) Hotfix Update For Exchange Server 2016 CU23 HU13 (KB5037224) Installation After downloading the *.
Deploy MTA-STS with PS.MTA-STS PowerShell Module

Deploy MTA-STS with PS.MTA-STS PowerShell Module

Andres Bohren
Hi All, I’ve explained how “Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS)” works in this Article Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS) PS.MTA-STS A Month ago, the PS.MTA-STS PowerShell Module was announced on the Exchange Team Blog Introducing PS.MTA-STS: a PowerShell module to enhance mail flow security with MTA-STS Today a new Version has been released PowerShell Gallery PS.MTA-STS 1.2.0 I’ve tested the Module back then and contacted Jamy Klotzsche and worked with him to improve the Module on GitHub PS.
Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS)

Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS)

Andres Bohren
Hi All, What is MTA-STS Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS) makes sure that Emails are Transfered over a secured TLS Connection but has lower requirements than DNS based Authentification of Named Entities (DANE). “Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS)” has been defined in 2018 in the following RFC rfc8461 SMTP MTA Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS) MTA-STS benefits: Emails are transfered over a secure TLS connection Must use TLS-Version 1.
Connectivity Analyzer DANE Vailidation Test

Connectivity Analyzer DANE Vailidation Test

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Somehow i missed that on the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer there exists a DNSSEC and DANE DNSSEC and DANE Validation Test Simpy enter the Domain of the MX Record You get the same Information with my Get-Mailprotection Script from the PowerShell Gallery I am using the new PSResourceGet here instead of the PowerShellGet commands. Installation of the Script Install-PSResource Get-MailProtection Get Information about a Domain - even more detailed than in the Remote Connectivity Analyzer
Will Azure DNS soon support DNSSEC

Will Azure DNS soon support DNSSEC

Andres Bohren
Hi All, While writing the Blog Article that Microsoft is moving to New Domain for M365 i’ve been stumbled across something very interesting. In the Article from the Exchange Team Blog from Septemer 2023, they have anounced that Inbound DANE will be available between March and July 2024 using a new Domain * Implementing Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC for Exchange Online Mail Flow I’ve decided to test DNSSEC with MXToolbox
March 2024 Exchange Server Security Updates

March 2024 Exchange Server Security Updates

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Yesterday, Microsoft has anouced on the Exchange Team Blog the Exchange Server 2016/2019 March Updates. Released: March 2024 Exchange Server Security Updates OutsideInModule is disabled after installing Exchange Server March 2024 SU After you install the March 2024 security update, text extraction workloads can no longer be performed for the following file types: Jpeg Tiff AutoCAD Known issues with this release: Download domains not working after installing the March 2024 SU OwaDeepTestProbe and EacBackEndLogonProbe fail after installing March 2024 SU Downloads:
throttling and blocking of out-of-date on-premises Exchange Servers

throttling and blocking of out-of-date on-premises Exchange Servers

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Microsoft has published several Blog Articles on the Exchange Team Blog, that they will throttle then block old and unpatched on-premises Exchange Servers. Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online Update on Transport Enforcement System in Exchange Online How to pause throttling and blocking of out-of-date on-premises Exchange Servers Timeline They started in Summer 2023 with Exchange 2007. Now in February 2024 they start to block Exchange 2013 - Extended Support ended on 11 April 2023
Enable DKIM in Exchange Online (updated)

Enable DKIM in Exchange Online (updated)

Andres Bohren
Hi All, A few years ago, i have already written an Article how to Enable DKIM in Exchange Online. Enable DKIM in Office 365 Things change over time and so does the Exchange Admin Center. Enabling DKIM has moved to the Microsoft Defender Admin Portal. Here are some older Articles regarding DKIM SPF / DKIM / DMARC DKIM with Exchange To enable DKIM in Exchange Online you have to go to the Microsoft Defender Admin Portal and select > Policies & rules > Threat Policies > Email authentication settings
February 2024 Exchange Server Security Updates

February 2024 Exchange Server Security Updates

Andres Bohren
Hi All, Yesterday, Microsoft has anounced on the Exchange Team Blog the 2024 H1 Cumulative Update (Exchange 2019 CU14) Update. Released: 2024 H1 Cumulative Update for Exchange Server News: Exchange 2016 ist supported only with the latest CU (CU23) - Update to the latest Security Update (SU) Exchange 2019 CU14: Exchange Server Support for Windows Extended Protection is enabled by default (Can be disabled with Setup Parameter /DoNotEnableEP or /DoNotEnableEPFEEWS but is not recommended) Read the Prerequisites for enabling Extended Protection on Exchange server New Exchange Schema Version (setup.