Hi All,
Since a few days (7/28/2023) the Microsoft Loop App is also available from the Microsoft Store
System Requirementts:
Windows 10 version 19041.0 or higher Search for “Microsoft Loop” in the Microsoft Store and klick on “Get” After the Installation click on “Open”
On the first start it will ask you to pin to Start and Taskbar
Now you can click on “Sign In”
Select the Account
Select your Loop Workspace
Hi All,
Recently i have noticed, that there is a new MSCommerce PowerShell Module available from the PowerShell Gallery.
PowerShell Gallery MSCommerce 1.9
Check the installed Module and what’s available in the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule MSCommerce Find-Module MSCommerce Let’s uninstall the old Module and install the newest one from PowerShell Gallery
Uninstall-Module MSCommerce Install-Module MSCommerce Get-InstalledModule MSCommerce List the Commands from the Module
Get-Command -Module MSCommerce Connect with Microsoft 365 (Requires Global Administrator or Billing Administrator Role)
Hi All,
I was very surprised to see that there is new AzureADPreview PowerShell Module in the PowerShell Gallery.
PowerShell Gallery AzureADPreview
Let’s check what is installed and what is available from the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule AzureADPreview Find-Module AzureADPreview Let’s check the count of the Commands in the old Module
Get-Command -Module AzureADPreview | measure Uninstall the old Module and install the new Module
Uninstall-Module AzureADPreview Install-Module AzureADPreview Get-InstalledModule AzureADPreview Let’s check the count of the Commands in the new Module.
Hi All,
This Week i had to Troubleshoot an Application with IMAP and SMTP Access to a Shared Mailbox that uses Microsoft Graph Delegated Permissions.
I’ve already blogged about how to Use Application Permissions
Exchange Online POP and IMAP OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow Exchange Online - Other ways of Testing IMAP OAuth2 Client Credential Flow Register Azure AD (EntraID) Application Register a new Application
Note down the following:
Display name Application ID Tenant ID Click on “Add a Redirect URI”
Hi All,
If “synchronizeUpnForManagedUsersEnabled” is enabled in the Directory Synchronization Features, the UPN of a synchronized Account wil be transferred to Azure AD, as long it is a registered Domain in Azure AD.
Sometimes you get into the Situation where you need to change the UPN Suffik of a synchronized Object.
In this Article i’ll show you how to change the UPN in AzureAD with PowerShell.
Active Directory As an Example i have a user with an UPN Suffix that is not a registered Domain in AzureAD
Hi All,
Just a few Days ago, Microsoft has released a new Version of O365CentralizedAddInDeployment PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery. Last Change was from 1/6/2021. No changes over the last few years.
O365CentralizedAddInDeployment 2.0.1 I was not able to find what has been changed, as there is no release notes available
Last time i blogged about it was here M365 Centralized Add-In Management
Check what Module is installed and what Version is available on the PowerShell Gallery
Hi All,
I’ve tested out the New Outlook (aka “One Outlook”) almost a year ago.
Now it is in public Preview and everybody can test it. It’s a Windows Program that uses WebView2 Techology to render OWA Sites in a Window - comparable to a Progressive Web App (PWA).
Getting started with the new Outlook for Windows
There are still some limitations:
the new Outlook for Windows does not support other account types like Yahoo!
Hi All,
I’ve tried to register a Yubikey 5 NFC with my Android OnePlus9 (has Android 13 installed).
First of all, it does not work with Chrome 114 on Android.
So i used Microsoft Edge Browser on Android to Sign in to Security Info
I’ve aded a Security Key
Selected NFC Device
Instead of NFC Key you can see a Passkey dialog
In the end i could not save it
Hi All,
Do you know the Drop Feature in Microsoft Edge?
Use Drop to share files and messages between your phone and desktop devices. Simply drag and drop files to share instantly or send notes to yourself while you browse in Microsoft Edge and stay in the flow.
Klick on the little Paperglider icon on the right Navigation and hit “Start”
I am already logged in with Edge (see icon on Top) so no furhter Authentication is needed
Hi All,
Microsoft has released the Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell 16.0.23710.12000 PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery
Check the installed Version and what is available from the PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Find-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Uninstall old PowerShell Module and install the newest one.
Uninstall-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Install-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell List the Commands of the Module
Get-Command -Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Connect to Sharepoint Online
Connect-SPOService -Url https://icewolfch-admin.sharepoint.com Get-SPOTenant | fl Regards
Andres Bohren
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