Hi All, Did you notice the Timezone Information in your Teams Contacts within your Organization. But where does that come from?
The User can set the Timezone in his Account Settings
Basically it's the Timezone from Exchange/Outlook. You can set that in Outlook on the Web
You can show a List ov available Timezones with the following Command
$TimeZone = Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time zones" | foreach {Get-ItemProperty $_.PSPath}; $TimeZone | sort Display | Format-Table -Auto PSChildname,Display
Hi All, Since a few Days you can enable Tenant-level Analytics in Power Plattfom as a Preview Feature.
Tenant-level analytics (Preview)
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/admin/tenant-level-analytics Power Plattform admin center
Now you have to wait 24 Hours. After that you can switch between "Tenant level analytics" and "Environement level analytics"
Yo can see better Screenshots (with data) from the Article below
Tenant-level Analytics for Power Apps (preview)
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Recently i had a call from a Collegue. He had the following Scenario: An Email was redirected via Exchange Transport Rule (ETR) Something similar to this one
When you now look at the Messagetrace you will see Events like that: Receive Transport Rule Redirect Fail Drop He was a little concerned about the Fail and Drop Events. But that's absolutely fine. Redirect means, the Mail will not reach the orginal Recipient - therefore Fail and Drop.
Hi All, Git has released a new version of the Git Client to address the vulnerability described in CVE-2022-24765.
Git security vulnerability announced
Git Client download
git --version
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Did you notice, that you can adjust the Camera Settings in Teams? I am running Teams in the Preview Mode and have the following Settings there: "Brightness" and "Soft focus"
I think that's a good improvement.
You can even activate that when you join a Meeting. Click on the gear Icon and then the change it in the Device Settings Menu on the right hand side.
Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Yesterday Microsoft has released a new Version of theyr Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Modules. Just a few days after releasing 1.9.4... I like the fact that they fixed a bug in "user-agent", but maybe it shows somee missing quality control.
Microsoft.Graph 1.9.5
Release notes
Check the installed module and what's published in PowerShell Gallery
Get-InstalliedModule Microsoft.Graph Find-Module Microsoft.Graph If you uninstall the Microsoft.Graph Module, you don't uninstall the sub modules Uninstall-Module Microsoft.
Hi All, Did you notice, that there is already a new Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module Available? Microsoft Released 4.2.0 into GA.Two Weeks ago they published 4.1.0. I like the Fact that they fixed issues. On the other Hand, they might invest a bit more in Quality Control and don't have to release that often.
For Installing use "Install-Module". If you want Side-By-Side (Multiple Versions of the Module) then you need to use the "
Hi All, This week i was surprised with the following Error Message when Visual Studio Code, tried to update to the newest version.
So i've checked the Permissions
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Programs The User don't had "Change" Permissions on the Directory
I've pushed the Permissions to the Subdirectorys and Files below.
After that, the Upgrade or Installation of Visual Studio Code was flawless
Regards Andres
Hi All, Last Week, Citrix released a new Version of the Citrix Workspace App for Windows.
Citrix Workspace App 2204.1 for Windows
https://www.citrix.com/de-de/downloads/workspace-app/windows/workspace-app-for-windows-latest.html Release Notes https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-workspace-app-for-windows/about.html Regards Andres Bohren
Hi All, Recently i had a customer where the Room Mailboxes had still the Active Directory UPN Suffix. But that needed to Change in Order to align with Exchange Hybrid / Exchange Online.
So i did write a small PowerShell Script to fix that
The Script can also be found at my GitHub Repo
# Rename UPN from specific Mailbox Type
# 11.04.2022 V0.1 - Andres Bohren - Initial Version